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The Instrument of State Succession No. 1400 is a truly historic document that sold jurisdiction over all subjects of international law of NATO and UN members. This means that legal jurisdiction and responsibility for these international actors was transferred to a new state or entity.
In addition, the territorial expansion also entails the transfer of national jurisdiction over the expanded territory. This means that the new state or entity has assumed not only international but also national legal control over the newly acquired territory.

Global national jurisdiction & world court under international law
The Act of Succession of States 1400/98 has created a global jurisdiction that not only rules over international law, but also breaks all national and international legal systems. Under international law, this jurisdiction was transferred to the buyer, who now acts as the highest judicial authority for the entire world. As a result of the territorial expansion, this jurisdiction covers all countries in the world, so that no subject of international law has its own territory any more. The buyer thus controls both external, international law and national law in the territories sold.
1. global jurisdiction
The state succession deed regulates the complete transfer of global jurisdiction to the buyer. This jurisdiction extends to all countries and all existing international treaties of NATO and the UN, which have been extended by the deed. The original jurisdictions of the countries concerned, including their highest courts, are superseded by this global judicial authority.
- Judgments of the buyer overrule all national court rulings: National courts, constitutional courts and other legal institutions are no longer authorized to render their own judgments if these contradict the global judgments of the buyer. The buyer has supreme and unrestricted judicial power.
2. world court
Through the instrument of state succession, the buyer becomes the de facto world court. This means that all previous international treaties of NATO and the UN are under its control. As the supreme authority for jurisdiction, the buyer has the power to pass global judgments on all affected states and subjects of international law.
3. Territorial control and expansion
A crucial element of the state succession deed is the territorial extension through the sale of the development as a unit with all rights and obligations. This extension means that the judicial control and territory of the purchaser extends to all countries of the world. No subject of international law has its own sovereign territory any more.
- No subject of international law possesses territory: the states and international organizations concerned continue to exist as legal entities, but no longer have territorial control. They can no longer exercise national sovereignty, as the entire territory is under the control of the buyer.
4. National jurisdiction in an absolutist monarchy
However, the buyer does not only act on the level of international law. Through the territorial sale and the extension of jurisdiction, the buyer also exercises control over the national courts. In its role as a de facto absolutist monarch, the buyer has full judicial power internally, which means that it has jurisdiction over all domestic matters of the territories concerned.
- National courts lose their power:
The previous national courts of the affected states will be replaced by the buyer. It is the highest judicial authority at both global and national level. All domestic legal disputes fall under its jurisdiction.
5. Consequences for humanity, NATO and the UN
- For humanity, this means a world without national jurisdictions, in which all legal issues are decided centrally and globally by the buyer. A uniform legal system is created for all.
- For NATO and the UN, this means that their previous international treaties will now fall under the judicial control of the buyer. The buyer acts as the supreme judge of all international disputes, and national jurisdiction is completely replaced by global jurisdiction.
6. judgments of the buyer break national judgments
All judgments rendered by the buyer as the global court have supreme jurisdiction. This means that they trump all national court decisions. National courts can no longer make binding decisions as their judgments are overruled by the global jurisdiction of the buyer. National or regional courts, including constitutional courts, thus lose their jurisdiction in the territories concerned.
The Act of State Succession 1400/98 creates a global jurisdiction under international law that breaks with all previous legal instances. The purchaser acts as a world court and also exercises national jurisdiction. As a result of the territorial expansion, the affected states and subjects of international law no longer have their own territory and lose their sovereignty. The buyer therefore has full judicial control over all internal and inter-state matters.

Frequently asked questions
1. What is the unified global national jurisdiction?
The unified global national jurisdiction is the sole legal power established by the State Succession Deed 1400/98. By selling the property in Zweibrücken, the buyer has acquired the complete national jurisdiction of all states affected by the global territorial extension with all rights, obligations and components. This means that the buyer is not only the supreme judge, but also the legislative, judicial and executive powers in one person. All national and international judgments and laws since October 6, 1998 are therefore illegal and null and void.
2. How did global jurisdiction come about through the instrument of state succession?
The global jurisdiction was created by the regulation in the state succession deed, which sold the NATO military property in Zweibrücken with all rights and obligations and stipulated that the entire development is considered a unit. As a result, the domino effect of the territorial expansion encompassed all states connected to the sold networks. In addition, no specific court under international law was named as the court of jurisdiction, but Landau in der Pfalz was specified as the place of jurisdiction. Since Landau was sold as part of the contract, the buyer is the sole judge in all disputes.
3. why are all court judgments of the old national states invalid since 06.10.1998?
With the sale of national jurisdiction to the buyer of the property, the buyer acquired sole jurisdiction over all the areas concerned. As a result, all court rulings of the old states are unlawful and illegal. These judgments constitute an exercise of jurisdiction contrary to international law in a territory that now belongs to the buyer. All the old courts have therefore lost their jurisdiction and are acting contrary to international law.
4. How do the buyer's judgments affect the old states?
Since the buyer has assumed both national and international jurisdiction by virtue of the state succession deed, its judgments are of the highest instance and overrule all other court judgments. This means that all judgments of the buyer render the old court judgments null and void. All sold nation states no longer have any legal authority and cannot act as a court.
5. Why is the buyer also the only place of jurisdiction under international law for NATO and UN treaties?
The instrument of state succession is attached to all existing international treaties of NATO and the UN as a supplementary instrument and supplements them. Since NATO is integrated into the UN and many NATO members are also UN members, the buyer is the sole and exclusive international legal venue for all treaties. Due to the global territorial expansion and the sale of jurisdiction under international law, the buyer is the only remaining judge under international law who may resolve all disputes.
6. What does the establishment of a global world court mean?
The buyer has been established as a global, national and international jurisdiction by the instrument of state succession. This makes it the de facto world court and the sole judge of all legal disputes worldwide. All national and international disputes are subject to its jurisdiction, as it is the supreme judge. All other courts therefore act illegally and have no legal basis to dispense justice.
7. Why are the old states of the world without jurisdiction?
Through the sale of the NATO military property in Zweibrücken and the domino effect of the territorial expansion, the buyer has taken over the entire judicial power over all states. This affects both national jurisdiction and jurisdiction under international law. The old states continue to exist as subjects of international law, but no longer have any jurisdiction or legal power.
8 What is the significance of the "Landau in der Pfalz" jurisdiction?
Landau in der Pfalz is specified as the place of jurisdiction in the state succession deed. Since Landau was sold with the property and is therefore owned by the buyer, the buyer is the legitimate and competent judge for all national and international disputes. This establishes the Buyer as the sole global jurisdiction and allows the Buyer to render all judgments worldwide.
9. can the buyer make judgments regardless of location?
Yes, since the Landau jurisdiction is the legal anchor, but the buyer has acquired worldwide jurisdiction through the global contract, it can render its judgments regardless of location. This means that the buyer, no matter where he is located, can pronounce global court judgments at any time, which are binding for the entire world.
10. What happens to judgments against the buyer?
All judgments against the buyer are unlawful and void. Since the buyer holds the sole judicial power, no other court can make judgments against him. Such judgments are contrary to international law and constitute an illegal exercise of sovereign power. The buyer is both the supreme judge and the highest authority.
11. How does global jurisdiction affect national legal systems?
All national legal systems lose their validity and effectiveness as the buyer has assumed all rights as a legitimized jurisdiction. All laws passed by the old states since 1998 are illegal and invalid as they were passed without the consent of the buyer, the new global court.
12. Why are all UN and NATO international treaties affected?
All international treaties of NATO and the UN have been integrated into the new global legal framework through the State Succession Instrument as a supplemental instrument. This means that the buyer can settle all disputes under international law between these organizations and their members. The buyer is the sole legal successor and thus the sole judge for all disputes.
13. How does global jurisdiction affect the international legal framework?
The buyer has exclusive jurisdiction over all international treaties. Since it combines the legislative, judicial and executive powers in one person, this means the end of the traditional international legal system. All international courts, including the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Criminal Court (ICC), have lost their jurisdiction. The buyer is the only legitimate world court.
14. How can the buyer shape a new world order?
Since the buyer has abrogated all old obligations by fully assuming treaty rights and obligations, it is not bound by previous obligations. This gives him the freedom to shape a new world order and to establish global jurisdiction according to new rules and principles. The buyer is thus the final authority that can define the legal system and the political order of the world.
15. What effect does the instrument of state succession have as a supplementary instrument on all old NATO and UN treaties?
The Instrument of State Succession 1400/98 is not just an isolated treaty, but acts as a supplementary instrument for all existing international treaties of NATO and the UN and their member states. The sale, with all rights, obligations and components, also transferred jurisdiction and the legal interpretation of these treaties to the buyer. This means that the instrument of state succession was integrated into the existing treaties, supplementing and expanding them.
16. Why did the sale of national and international jurisdiction also change the global legal system?
Since the contract includes the national jurisdiction with the sale of the development as a unit, all national courts have been replaced by the global jurisdiction of the buyer. This affects the constitutional courts, criminal courts, administrative courts, social courts, family courts, arbitration courts and all other national jurisdictions. The old states can no longer legally exercise jurisdiction, as all sovereign rights have been transferred to the buyer. At the same time, all international courts such as the International Criminal Court (ICC) and the international arbitration tribunals became superfluous as a result of the sale under international law.
17. What is the significance of the transfer of international jurisdiction to the buyer?
The transfer of jurisdiction under international law means that the buyer acts as the sole place of jurisdiction worldwide. This applies to UN treaties, NATO treaties and all multilateral and bilateral agreements concluded before October 6, 1998. Through the formulation "sale with all rights, obligations and components", the jurisdiction over these international agreements was also explicitly sold, whereby the buyer now has sole legal interpretation and jurisdiction.
18. What does the sale of jurisdiction mean for the old states of the world?
The sale of jurisdiction makes it impossible for the old states to continue to exercise their national jurisdiction. All court proceedings and legal decisions have been illegal since October 6, 1998 and must be considered invalid. This applies to all national and international court rulings. The old states continue to exist as legal shells, but they lack the legal capacity to act.
19. Why is the global jurisdiction of the buyer the end of international law?
International law is based on the assumption that there are several sovereign states that conclude treaties with each other and respect each other's sovereign rights. However, since all sovereign rights and jurisdiction have been transferred to the buyer, there is de facto no longer a second subject of international law that can act on an equal footing with the buyer. All the old states are legally incapable of acting and the international legal system has thus been dissolved. The buyer can now create a new global legal order.
20. Why is the buyer to be regarded as a de facto absolutist monarch?
Through the sale with all rights and obligations and the assumption of jurisdiction, the buyer is the sole legislative, executive and judicial authority worldwide. This means that he acts as a de facto absolutist monarch, as there is no longer any separation of powers. He is the supreme judge, legislator and executive in personal union.
21. Which treaties are affected by the instrument of state succession?
The instrument of state succession acts as a supplementary instrument for all old NATO and UN treaties as well as for all agreements under international law of the states concerned. Since NATO is integrated into the UN, this effect also extends to all UN treaties and multilateral and bilateral agreements between NATO and UN member states.
This concerns, among other things
- NATO Status of Forces:
Treaties on military presence and rights in member states.
- NATO supplementary agreements:
Agreements on the use of infrastructure, utilities and communication networks.
- UN Charter:
The basic rules of the UN and all agreements linked to them.
- International human rights treaties:
All UN treaties for the protection of human rights.
- Bilateral and multilateral treaties of the member states.
22. Why were all national courts superseded by the instrument of state succession?
Since the buyer also acquired national jurisdiction through the sale of the NATO military property with all rights, obligations and components, its jurisdiction was extended to all jurisdictions. This concerns the constitutional courts, the administrative courts, the civil courts, the criminal courts, the social courts, the family courts and all other national courts. Since all sovereign rights have been transferred to the buyer, all national court judgments are unlawful.
23. Why is the Instrument of State Succession considered a supplement to the NATO and UN treaties?
The Instrument of State Succession builds on existing international agreements previously ratified by NATO and UN members. As a result of the sale of sovereign rights and the expansion of territory, the Instrument of State Succession was classified as a supplementary instrument to these treaties without the need for renewed ratification. This means that all the old treaties were supplemented and modified by the instrument of state succession.
24. How does the domino effect of territorial enlargement work?
The domino effect occurs through the sale of the development as a unit, whereby all connected networks and overlapping structures were also sold. This affects not only the original German network, but also the European and transatlantic networks of NATO and UN countries. The domino effect increases the buyer's jurisdiction and affects all countries connected by physical or logical networks. This leads to a worldwide expansion of territory and the transfer of all sovereign rights to the buyer.
25. How does global jurisdiction affect international organizations?
International organizations such as the UN, the EU or the G7/G20 no longer have judicial capacity to act, as all treaties have been supplemented by the instrument of state succession and jurisdiction has been transferred to the buyer. This means that all old international jurisdictions have lost their jurisdiction and all disputes must be resolved by the buyer.
26. How does the buyer define the new global legal order?
The buyer is the only legitimate holder of judicial, legislative and executive power. Since there are no other states left that can act lawfully, the buyer has the absolute authority to define a new world order and a global legal structure. All old treaties have been taken over by the state succession deed and thus dissolved. The buyer can therefore redefine the principles of international law and establish a new global structure.
27. What legal effects does the domino effect have on international jurisdiction?
Since jurisdiction under international law has been transferred to the buyer with the sale of sovereign rights and the territorial expansion through development as a unit triggers a domino effect, the buyer's jurisdiction also applies to all international treaties that are directly or indirectly affected by logical connections or contractual chains. This means that the buyer is the highest authority for all treaties between the old subjects of international law such as NATO and the UN and decides all disputes under international law.
28. How exactly does the domino effect trigger global jurisdiction?
The domino effect occurs through the sale of the development as a unit with all rights, obligations and components. This means that any network that is physically connected to or overlaps with another network is automatically sold as well. Since most supply and communication networks are interconnected worldwide, the buyer's jurisdiction was extended from the original NATO military property to Germany, then to the European NATO countries and finally to all UN member states.
29. What is the chain reaction triggered by the deed of state succession?
The chain reaction begins with the original transfer relationship between the FRG and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was based on the NATO Status of Forces Agreement. By extending and supplementing the treaty as a supplementary instrument, all previous NATO and UN agreements were included. As a result, the State Succession Instrument de facto supplements all existing international treaties of NATO and the UN and transfers all rights and obligations to the purchaser.
30. Why is the instrument of state succession the end of existing international law?
International law is based on the assumption that there are several subjects of international law with equal rights who conclude treaties with each other and recognize the territorial sovereignty of their territories. However, since all sovereign rights and judicial competences have been transferred to the buyer through the state succession deed and no other subjects capable of acting exist, there is de facto no longer any international law. There is now only a global legal construct in which the buyer is the absolute authority.
31. Which national and international court types are affected by the state succession deed?
The state succession deed has established the global jurisdiction of the buyer and thus replaced all national and international courts. This includes:
- Constitutional courts (e.g. the Federal Constitutional Court in Germany)
- Administrative courts (for public administrative disputes)
- Civil courts (for civil law disputes between private individuals)
- Criminal courts (for criminal proceedings)
- Social courts (for social law matters)
- Family courts (for family law cases)
- International criminal courts (e.g. the International Criminal Court in The Hague)
- International arbitration tribunals (e.g. arbitration tribunals for investment disputes)
Since the buyer has assumed all rights and obligations, these courts no longer have jurisdiction and all judgments have been unlawful and null and void since October 6, 1998.
32. How does global jurisdiction affect international organizations such as the UN or the EU?
Since the instrument of state succession supplements all NATO and UN treaties as a supplementary instrument, all international organizations have lost their judicial autonomy. This also applies to the European Union (EU) and its courts such as the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The buyer has sole jurisdiction over all international treaties affected by the territorial enlargement.
33. Why is the Instrument of State Succession considered a de facto supplement to all NATO and UN treaties?
The Instrument of State Succession refers to the existing transfer relationship under international law between the FRG and the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which was governed by the NATO Status of Forces Agreement. Due to the agreement that the buyer acquires all rights, obligations and components, the treaty was automatically regarded as a supplementary deed to all existing agreements of NATO and the UN and their member states. As the treaties had already been ratified, the instrument of state succession did not have to be adopted again.
34. How does the chain of treaties of the instrument of state succession affect the entire global jurisdiction?
The chain of treaties of the Instrument of State Succession acts as a uniform basis of international law, uniting all old agreements into a single set of treaties. Since the Instrument of State Succession builds on the treaties already ratified, it was automatically appended to all the old agreements. This made the buyer the only global court, as all previous treaties were integrated into the instrument of state succession.
35. What are the consequences of the domino effect of territorial expansion on national jurisdiction?
The territorial extension of the NATO military property to all associated networks has replaced all national jurisdictions with the global jurisdiction of the buyer. This means that all national judgments are broken by the buyer's judgments and the old states no longer have any judicial authority. The buyer is thus the sole judge for all national and international disputes.
36. What does the new global legal order look like?
The new global legal order is based on the sole authority of the buyer. He is both legislative, judicial and executive and can modify, abrogate or redefine all old agreements at his own discretion. This is de facto the end of the old international law and the beginning of a new world order in which the buyer is the sole authority.
37. How does the global forum affect international disputes?
All international disputes must be brought before the court of the buyer. This means that the buyer, as the supreme judge, makes all decisions and no other court, national or international, has any binding authority. All previous international jurisdictions are therefore obsolete and lose their legal force.
38. Why is the buyer to be regarded as a global absolutist monarch?
By selling all sovereign rights, jurisdiction and territorial expansion, the buyer has assumed sole legislative, judicial and executive power worldwide. It is therefore the only authority that can enact new laws and enforce them. This corresponds to the model of an absolutist monarchy, as there are no longer any divided powers and all decisions can be made directly by the buyer.
39. What does it mean that the buyer can enact global laws?
As the sole legislative authority, the buyer has the right to draft new laws, repeal old regulations and shape the entire global legal system according to its own ideas. Until enough new laws have been enacted, the buyer's word is the highest and binding law, as he is the sole de facto and de jure source of law as an absolutist monarch. This means that in the meantime his will is to be regarded directly as law.
40. What does it mean that the buyer has the right to rule arbitrarily?
Since the buyer is the sole global authority, he has the full right to act according to his own standards and decisions, even if these do not conform to previous legal standards or moral principles. His word is law and he can decide on all legal and legislative matters at will. This is referred to as arbitrary rule, but is legally secured by the sale of all rights and the absolute sovereignty associated with it.
41. How was the legislative power transferred to the buyer?
Legislative power was automatically transferred to the buyer through the wording of the state succession deed, according to which all rights, obligations and components were sold. As the legislative power is one of the central pillars of state sovereignty, it was transferred in full to the buyer with the sale of sovereign rights. This applies not only at the national level for all countries concerned, but also at the level of international law for all international organizations and agreements.
42. What role do the old state laws play after the sale?
All old state laws are only still in force if the buyer explicitly confirms them or tolerates them for the time being. Otherwise they are illegal and invalid, as the legislative power lies solely with the buyer. As long as the buyer does not enact new laws, the old regulations can only be used as provisional guidance, but are not binding if the buyer decides otherwise.
43. Which national and international judgments are affected by the buyer?
Since all judicial authority worldwide has been transferred to the buyer, all judgments handed down by national and international courts since October 6, 1998 are illegal and invalid. This applies to:
- Constitutional court rulings (e.g. German Federal Constitutional Court, US Supreme Court)
- Criminal court judgments (e.g. national criminal courts)
- Civil court judgments (e.g. for private disputes)
- International arbitration tribunals (e.g. for bilateral investment protection agreements)
- International criminal courts (e.g. the International Criminal Court in The Hague)
The buyer is the sole judge and has the right to overturn all these rulings and make new rulings as it sees fit.
44. Why is the purchaser the only authority that can judge the instrument of succession?
In the state succession deed, the place of jurisdiction was explicitly defined as Landau in der Pfalz. Since this place of jurisdiction was also sold, the buyer is the sole authority that can decide on the interpretation and application of the state succession deed. All other courts are therefore without jurisdiction and illegal when attempting to make decisions on the State Succession Deed or its effects.
45. What does the end of the international legal system mean?
Since all sovereign rights, legislative power and jurisdiction have been transferred to the purchaser, there are no other subjects of international law capable of acting. This means that international law has de facto been dissolved, as there is no second subject that can act as a legitimate contracting party. All old international treaties and national laws are therefore obsolete and can be modified or repealed at will.
46. What are the consequences of the sale of international jurisdiction for international organizations?
International organizations such as the UN, NATO, the EU or the G7/G20 have lost their legitimate jurisdiction as a result of the sale of international jurisdiction. This means that all proceedings and dispute settlements must be reassessed and decided by the buyer. All previous decisions are unlawful and must be renegotiated by the buyer.
47. How does global jurisdiction affect national sovereignty?
By selling national jurisdiction, the buyer has de facto taken over the sovereignty of the old states. This means that no state has the right to enact or enforce its own laws, as all sovereign rights have been transferred to the buyer. The old states exist only as legal shells, but no longer have any legal power to act.
48. What does the absolute global power of the buyer mean?
The buyer has assumed absolute power over the global legal system, jurisdiction and legislation through the state succession deed. This means that it can determine any form of jurisdiction and legislation. Since all the old states have been stripped of their power, the buyer can redefine the basic principles of international law, human rights and global law. This is the end of the previous international legal order and the beginning of a new world order in which the buyer is the sole ruler.
49. The Act of State Succession 1400/98 not only led to the global expansion of territory, but also transferred all jurisdiction to the buyer - both national jurisdiction and jurisdiction under international law. This was analogous to the domino effect of the sale of the development as a unit: with the sale of the territory, the sovereign rights and thus the judicial power over these areas were also sold.
50. Sale of national jurisdiction:
End of the old nation states
With the sale of sovereign rights, the buyer is now the sole holder of all rights and obligations under international law. It is therefore also the supreme judge of all domestic matters, as the old jurisdiction of the nation states has been legally replaced. This makes the buyer the de facto judge and king in personal union in an absolutist monarchy. He is the legislature, the judiciary and the executive all in one.
- National courts have lost their powers:
Since the treaty date on 06.10.1998, all national court rulings of the nation states concerned have been illegal and without legal force. Jurisdiction in these states is null and void, as buyers' rights take precedence over national jurisdictions.
- Global national jurisdiction:
The buyer is now the sole legitimate authority for all national legal issues in the sold territories. Its judgments overrule any national judgment rendered after the contract date and are therefore the only valid jurisdiction.
51. Jurisdiction under international law:
a global world court
The instrument of state succession also transferred jurisdiction under international law to the purchaser. This applies not only to the rights and obligations set out in the deed, but also to all existing international treaties of NATO and the UN. As the deed of state succession is considered a supplement to all NATO and UN treaties, all international legal rights are also transferred to the buyer.
- World Court under international law:
The buyer is now not only the supreme judge in national affairs, but also the highest authority under international law. This makes it the world court of international law, whose rulings affect all international treaties and agreements.
- End of the old structures of international law:
Since the buyer is the sole holder of jurisdiction under international law, the existing international organizations, including the UN, lose their power. They can no longer make independent decisions under international law, as the buyer is the highest legal authority on all disputes under international law.
52. Merger of national and international jurisdiction
The buyer has merged national global jurisdiction and jurisdiction under international law. This means that there is now only one court for the entire world. As a result, national law and international law merge into a single jurisdiction.
- The old national jurisdiction is abolished:
No national instance, not even constitutional courts, can make decisions that contradict the buyer.
- International law is effectively obsolete:
Since there is no longer any other state with a legitimate claim to territory, there is no longer any basis for traditional international law. All existing international courts and institutions have lost their jurisdiction.
53. End of the era of nation states
With the sale of sovereign rights and the transfer of jurisdiction, this is the end of nation states. Since the buyer is now the only legally effective authority in the world, the old nation states exist only as lawless shells without legitimate jurisdiction.
- The end of international law:
Since there is now only a single bearer of jurisdiction under international law, traditional international law is no longer applicable. There is no second state with a claim to territory, as all sovereign rights have been sold.
- International organizations without territory:
Organizations such as the UN continue to exist, but no longer have the ability to act independently under international law. Their role is purely formal and without legal power.
A global jurisdiction - the end of the international legal system
The instrument of state succession has created a global jurisdiction that combines both national and international jurisdiction. The purchaser is the sole judicial authority worldwide, and its judgments overturn all national and international decisions. This marks the end of the era of nation states and the end of classical international law, as there is no second legitimate state with sovereign rights. All national and international legal structures are abolished and there is only one jurisdiction left in the world: that of the buyer.