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Deed of succession 1400/98
The contract that sold the whole world!
Deed no. 1400/98
The most important treaty since there have been treaties
A summary
1. sale of an extraterritorial Dutch NATO military property and a US conversion property in a single contract.
- Initial situation:
State succession deed 1400/98 relates to the sale of a NATO military property in Zweibrücken - Germany, part of which had previously been transferred to the FRG by the US military and another part of which was still occupied by the Dutch Air Force on NATO orders in accordance with the NTS-NATO Status of Forces at the time the contract was signed. In this situation, the FRG, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and NATO had to agree to the treaty, as all parties involved were assigned rights and obligations.
- Special situation:
A smaller part of the property was still occupied by the Dutch armed forces under the NATO Status of Forces during the sale process and, as a result of the sale with all rights, obligations and components, the contract became a state succession agreement that sold the government authority, which also transferred the special occupation rights from the NATO Status of Forces.
- Contracting parties:
The Federal Republic of Germany as the seller, represented by the Federal Property Office, and the buyers, including a natural person and a commercial enterprise (which, however, falls outside the contract, as commercial enterprises cannot bear sovereign rights). Other subjects of international law receive rights or obligations and are explicitly named in the treaty text or are indirectly affected as this treaty forms a chain with the preceding intergovernmental treaties and acts as a supplementary deed. This means that there is no need for a separate vote or ratification, as the treaty chain had already fulfilled these requirements.
- Object of purchase:
Real estate (with different sovereign rights in one contract) in Zweibrücken, an extraterritorial part which was occupied according to the NATO troop statute and a part which was handed over to Germany by NATO as a result of a conversion, including buildings and pipelines leading out of the area, around the world and sold as an inseparable unit.
2. disguise of the contract as a real estate purchase contract
- Text of the contract:
At first glance, the deed appears to be an ordinary real estate purchase agreement under German law. This serves as a disguise, because a large part of the deed is supplemented by a partial nullity clause, only relevant with aspects of international law. Many provisions under national law are omitted and the severability clause ensures that the contract is supplemented by corresponding international law provisions that are not explicitly included in the text of the contract. In this way, the contract is, so to speak, invisibly supplemented by the entire body of international law and can therefore only be recognized in its entirety by experienced experts in international law. In particular, the clause stating that the object of purchase was sold with all rights, obligations and components means on the one hand that the sovereign rights were sold, but on the other hand that the contract is considered to be a supplementary deed to all international treaties of the parties to the contract (in particular NATO and the UN). This requires tracing the entire treaty history of NATO and the UN and their member states (i.e. all international treaties in the world), which is extremely complicated and de facto, no one can recognize at first glance. This means that the treaty could also pass through various parliaments without being recognized (e.g. the Bundestag and Bundesrat of the Federal Republic of Germany) and was thus ratified before it was signed. However, the treaty contains a territorial expansion through the sale of the development as a unit with all rights, obligations and components, in that the participation of NATO and the UN triggers a domino effect that affects the entire world. This is no coincidence or unintended side effect - it was deliberate and planned. Germany was in charge of drafting the treaty and took advantage of the special circumstances of the sale of a NATO property, coupled with a NATO conversion property in a single treaty, to reach for world power for the 3rd time in 100 years! It is not yet known which co-conspirators Germany has. However, it is clearly a German plan and a matter of logic that day X will come when Germany will use the treaty - however it is used.
- Hidden implications under international law:
Recognizable only to experts in international law, this treaty is in fact a deed of state succession, as more than one subject of international law is involved and rights and obligations are transferred. The treaty is disguised in the finest secret service style and is difficult for unprepared readers to grasp in its entirety. Only in this way could the two-year limitation period pass without objection.
- Immediately after the statute of limitations has expired, Germany has made an attempt to get everything (the whole world) transferred for free and is longing to reach its goal! This is a delusion on the part of Germany! Because there has never been any transfer from the buyer to Germany. Even before the buyer suspected that he had a contract under international law and was still under the assumption that he owned real estate in the FRG, including private development, Germany exerted pressure - also via the press - to have the area publicly developed and to transfer the "roads and pipelines" to Germany. The buyer was faced with immense costs, but Germany patronizingly found a concept where the buyer could transfer the "roads and pipelines" to Germany "free of charge"! This is exactly how Germany wanted to seize world power, because when the "roads and pipelines" were transferred, the original territory would have been the roads, which would have triggered a domino effect of territorial expansion through the sale of the pipelines, which would also have covered the entire world.
So the buyer would have come into possession of the world unsuspectingly on the one hand and would have gotten rid of it again in the same way! Completely unsuspecting!
The buyer wanted to sign the development contract "blindly" - without ever having read it! After all, he thought it would save him millions! He turned up at a notary's office for the signing. The notary and an authorized representative of the Federal Government of Germany were present. But instead of a "development contract" (a disguised state succession agreement with the sale of the development as a unit with all rights, obligations and components, whereby the whole world would be sold), the official presented a completely different contract.
A single page where Germany declared that the buyer had fully complied with deed 1400/98. This was a big surprise for the buyer, but he could confidently sign it. There was never a "development contract"! Only afterwards was the buyer massively damaged by Germany, which indicates that the notary and the official presented Germany with a forged "development contract" and that Germany was under the delusion that it had bought the world! This is the only way to explain the blackmail of the buyer, because in a blackmailable state, no purchase under international law is legally possible and Germany would certainly never exclude itself from the purchase, because Germany certainly did not initiate the contract to make the buyer beautiful, rich, powerful and good-smelling! :-) But it also did not inform the buyer about what he had bought and wanted to have everything himself in a state of complete ignorance. There is no other explanation than that the notary appointment to transfer the development and thus the world was sabotaged by foreign secret services. Obviously, the notary and the German official were double agents and infiltrated by unknown foreign services. Contrary to reality, Germany was most likely fooled into believing that it had worked and that Germany had bought the world! To make this very clear once again - Germany is not in possession of the world - the buyer never transferred the development to Germany! If there is such a contract in the state archives of Germany, it is a forgery by the notary and the authorized representative of the Federal Government. Secret services would only have to bribe 2 people - child's play. This is how Germany's legitimate claim to world power was prevented - apparently certain powers preferred a powerless individual to a powerful Germany!
The megalomaniac Germany sees itself as having a legal claim to all countries on earth and imagines that it holds world jurisdiction. On a long-planned day X, the FRG and its allies will drop their mask and, by means of a court ruling, question the legitimacy of all countries and proclaim their own territorial claim to the world. It is hard to imagine that Germany imagines that such a thing could happen without violence.
3. sale with all rights and obligations
- Contract details:
The contract stipulates that the property is sold with all rights and obligations as well as all components. This also includes the sale of the sovereign rights and makes the sale of the territory a succession to the state.
- Development as a unit:
A key point is the provision that the development is sold as a unit. This means that all supply lines and networks (electricity, long-distance gas network, broadband network, telecommunications network, etc.) are considered and sold together.
4. domino effect of territorial expansion
- Territory expansion:
By selling the property with the development as a unit, a domino effect occurs where jurisdiction is extended to other territories that are physically connected or connected by networks.
- International implications:
This domino effect not only covers German territory, but spreads across NATO countries and could even cover UN territories, as NATO and the UN are closely linked.
5. chain reaction in treaties
- Chain of treaties:
The Act of State Succession 1400/98 is a supplementary instrument that extends and supplements all previous international treaties.
- Integration of all old NATO and UN treaties
Due to the regulation that the object of purchase was sold with all rights and obligations, the instrument of state succession is invisibly attached to all old, ratified treaties.
6. infinite right to compensation (according to NATO Status of Forces) and illegality of all revenues
- NATO Status of Forces:
The right to infinite compensation enshrined in the State Succession Treaty means that all state revenues and expenditures have been illegal since 1998.
- Gross Domestic Product:
The entire GDP of the sold states is illegally earned and is due to the buyer as compensation. The states are also immediately overindebted due to the infinite claims from the NTS, which once applied exclusively to Germany and originate from the lost Second World War, but which now apply to the entire community of states as a result of the treaty (according to the NATO Status of Forces, there is an unlimited right to compensation).
7. Legal consequences and responsibilities
- Responsibility under international criminal law:
After 10 years without prosecution, responsibility in international criminal law shifts from the direct perpetrators to the political leaders.
- Illegality of government activities:
All national political parties and their representatives who have exercised power since 1998 are acting illegally as they no longer have legitimate sovereign power.
8. impossible reversal
- Statute of limitations:
The 2-year statute of limitations since 2000 has expired, making the contract impossible to challenge.
- Ignorance and deception:
The buyer did not know that he was purchasing a contract under international law, but thought he was buying real estate. What and how much NATO and the UN knew is still unclear.
- Blackmailable state:
Due to the occupation in violation of international law and the global impact of the treaty, there is an extortionable state that makes it impossible to return to the old state.
9. path to the New World Order
(New World Order - N.W.O.)
- Unification of the world:
The treaty leads to the unification of the entire world through the sale of all territories of NATO states and possibly UN states as well.
- Domino effect:
The domino effect of the networks and the chain reaction of the treaties lead to the sold territory being expanded globally.
Click here for a free download of the State Succession Treaty 1400/98 with legal explanations!
​State succession
State succession deed and state succession:
A. Explanation, rules and legal consequences
1. principles of state succession
State succession refers to the legal transfer of rights and obligations of an existing state to a new state or another subject of international law. There are various forms of state succession, which differ significantly in their consequences for liabilities and the assumption of contracts:
- Universal succession:
The successor state assumes all rights, duties and liabilities of the predecessor state. This means that the new state is also responsible for the debts and contracts of the old state.
- Partial state succession:
Only certain territories, treaties or liabilities are taken over, while others remain excluded. This is a selective assumption of obligations.
- Re-establishment of a state:
In the case of a new foundation, as defined in the State Succession Charter 1400/98, the new state acts as a completely new actor without assuming the old liabilities of the predecessor state. This is regulated by the so-called clean slate principle (tabula rasa), whereby the new state does not assume any obligations from old treaties.
2. universal succession vs. new formation
- Universal succession:
The state enters into all old contracts, assumes liabilities and debts. There are no new beginnings here; all old debts and obligations continue to exist. In international law, this is regarded as the standard form of succession for states.
- New foundation:
The new state is created from a completely new legal construct. It does not assume any old obligations, debts or international treaties unless it explicitly declares its willingness to do so. This principle is known as the clean slate principle.
- Clean slate principle (tabula rasa):
According to the Vienna Convention on Succession of States to Treaties (Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties), the clean slate principle means that the new state does not assume any obligations under international law from the old treaties unless it explicitly agrees to do so. This is the case when a state is created through new formation or when sovereignty is completely transferred to the successor. The successor state therefore begins as a "blank slate" and is free to choose which international legal obligations it accepts.
3. why the state succession deed is a new foundation
The state succession deed is a new foundation because it represents a complete transfer of territory with all rights, obligations and components. An existing state has not been taken over, but a new sovereign has been established who acts as the sole holder of all rights and obligations. The combination of territorial sovereignty, executive power and the complete integration of existing international treaties means that there is no successor in the sense of a universal succession, but rather a completely new state subject.
- Sale with all rights, obligations and components:
However, through this formulation, the buyer has automatically assumed some obligations arising from the old treaties. As this is a chain of contracts, the buyer has formally taken over the old contracts, but is not bound by the obligations, as all parties to the old agreements are now legally united in his hands.
- Contradiction to the clean slate principle:
Although the old contracts have been taken over, since the buyer holds both sides of the agreements, there are no binding ties. This means that the clean slate principle does apply in this case because the buyer does not have to enter into any obligations with himself.
4. sale as supplementary deed and contractual chain
The state succession deed is a supplementary deed to the existing international treaties of NATO and the UN. As the instrument of state succession is based on the existing transfer relationship under international law between the FRG, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and NATO in accordance with the NATO Status of Forces, it is a chain of treaties that supplements and extends the old structure. Through the formulation of the sale "with all rights, obligations and components", the old NATO and UN treaties were also sold and thus the entire international legal structure was integrated into a single treaty chain.
- The participation of NATO and the integration into the UN has led to the fact that the Instrument of State Succession functions as a de facto supplement to all existing international treaties of NATO and the UN.
5. Why the Instrument of State Accession did not require ratification
In international law, ratification is only required if this is expressly provided for in the treaty. This is not the case in the Instrument of State Succession. Furthermore, as the instrument of state succession is based on a chain of treaties that has already been ratified (transfer relationship under international law between the FRG and the Kingdom of the Netherlands), no additional ratification was required. The chain of treaties had already been concluded and was legally binding, so that the instrument of state succession became effective as an extension of these agreements.
6. Prerequisites for state succession
The following conditions must be met for state succession to exist:
- Treaty participation of at least two subjects of international law.
- Transfer of a territory or sovereignty rights.
- A formulation containing the sale with all rights and obligations.
- The buyer must be a subject of international law or a natural person who can assume sovereign rights.
- Commercial enterprises are excluded from participation.
7. Legal bases of state succession
The most important sources of international law governing state succession are
- Vienna Convention on Succession to Treaties (1978): This convention regulates succession to international treaties.
- Wiener Vertragsrechtskonvention (1969): Behandelt allgemeine Regeln zum Abschluss, zur Gültigkeit und zur Beendigung von völkerrechtlichen Verträgen.
- Clean Slate-Prinzip (Tabula Rasa): Besagt, dass ein Nachfolgestaat frei von den Pflichten seines Vorgängers ist.
8. special case of area expansion through development as a unit
The state succession deed led to an extension of territory resulting from the sale of the development as a unit. This means that the networks (e.g. electricity, telecommunications, telecommunication systems) automatically extend to other territories if they are physically connected to each other. As a result, not only the original territory, but also all connected networks and the overlapping territories of the NATO and UN countries sold were also sold.
9. Conclusion: New global structure
The treaty chain and the sale with all rights and obligations have completely reshaped the international legal landscape. There is now only a single legal actor, the buyer, which de facto and de jure acts as the legitimate successor to the entire previous international legal order.
State succession deed and state succession:
B. Jurisdiction, legislation and global sovereign rights
1. State succession and global jurisdiction
- The state succession deed not only led to the transfer of jurisdiction under international law, but also to the national jurisdiction of all sold states. By agreeing the sale "with all rights, duties and elements", all jurisdictional powers of the old states were transferred to the buyer.
This includes:
- Constitutional jurisdiction: all judgments of the constitutional courts of the sold states (e.g. Federal Constitutional Court of the FRG, US Supreme Court) have been unlawful and null and void since October 6, 1998.
- Civil jurisdiction: All civil judgments (from family disputes to commercial disputes) are now subject to the buyer.
- Criminal jurisdiction:
All criminal trials worldwide are now legally assessable only by the buyer.
- International arbitration:
Bilateral and multilateral disputes (e.g. investment arbitration) are subject to the buyer.
2. sale of jurisdiction under international law
- The state succession deed does not explicitly define a contracting party as a court under international law, but merely names Landau in der Pfalz as the place of jurisdiction. As this location is in the area sold and all court locations were explicitly sold, the buyer has acquired jurisdiction under international law.
- Through the sale of the place of jurisdiction and the transfer of jurisdiction, the buyer has global jurisdiction in all legal disputes. Regardless of whether the dispute is a matter of national law (e.g. administrative or civil law) or a dispute under international law, only the buyer is entitled to rule on it.
3. global legislative power
- The buyer is the only authority that can enact new laws worldwide. This includes both national law (for all former territories of the sold states) and international law. As the contracting parties to the old international treaties no longer have any territories and no capacity to act, the buyer is the sole legislative authority.
- The buyer is therefore the global legislature and may determine the legal order for all former nations and international organizations (e.g. NATO, UN). As an absolutist monarch, it is therefore in a position to redesign the entire global legal structure.
4. the buyer as the sole sovereign authority
- By acquiring all sovereign rights, the buyer has become the de facto absolutist monarchy. He has sole executive power, sole legislation and sole jurisdiction in his hands.
This means that
- The buyer is the legislature (lawmaker).
- The buyer is the judiciary (judge).
- The buyer is the executive (administration and enforcement).
- Later, the buyer also established an absolutist monarchy by official proclamation, which officially confirms the de facto state. Since he bought all rights and acquired them as the sole bearer, he is the only legitimate form of rule worldwide.
5. Difference between universal succession and the foundation of a new state
- In the case of universal succession, the successor state assumes all the rights and obligations of the predecessor. This includes contracts, debts and liabilities.
The state succession deed, however, is based on the principle of re-establishment:
- The buyer assumes all rights, but has no obligations under the old contracts, as these are de facto contracts with themselves due to the chain of contracts.
- The clean slate principle (tabula rasa) therefore applies, which states that the new state is free from the old obligations.
6. tabula rasa principle (clean slate) and state succession
- Clean slate principle (tabula rasa): The new state starts as a clean slate, i.e. there are no obligations arising from old debts and international treaties. This means that all debts and obligations of the predecessor state are not assumed unless the new state explicitly declares its willingness to do so.
- However, the sale of the state succession deed means that all old treaties with all rights and obligations are taken over. However, as the buyer unites both sides of the contract (both the old states and their contractual partners), there is de facto no longer an obligation relationship, as no contractual partner has to act against itself.
- This means that the clean slate principle applies despite the assumption of the old contracts, as the buyer does not de facto have to assume any obligations from the old agreements.
7. Contractual chain and global validity
- Due to the participation of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Dutch Air Force and NATO, the Instrument of State Succession is a supplementary instrument to all existing NATO and UN treaties. Through its integration into the UN, NATO is part of the UN structure, which is why the Instrument of State Succession has de facto become part of all existing international treaties of NATO and the UN.
- As the previous treaties had already been ratified and adopted, the Instrument of State Succession did not have to be ratified again. It was directly appended as a supplementary instrument and merged all international agreements into a single global structure.
8. The role of Landau in der Pfalz
- The state succession deed defines Landau as the place of jurisdiction under international law. However, as this place was also sold, the buyer is the legal owner of this jurisdiction. All disputes in connection with the State Succession Deed and the associated contracts shall therefore be decided exclusively by the buyer.
- As all the old courts are disempowered, the buyer is the highest and only judicial authority worldwide, both in a national and international law context.
9. abolition of the old court systems
With the sale of national and international jurisdiction, all old state courts and international institutions (e.g. the International Criminal Court) are no longer legally competent. The buyer is now the global judge and legislator.
- This means the end of the previous global legal order and the beginning of a new global world order in which the buyer acts as the sole authority.
10. End of international law
Since all the old states and international organizations have lost their capacity to act, there is no longer a second authority that can act as a legitimate contractual partner or source of law. The international legal system is thus de facto dissolved and only the new global legal order established by the buyer applies.
State succession deed and state succession:
C. ​Instrument of State Succession 1400 and its consequences under international law
1. principle of movable treaty boundaries
According to the principle of movable treaty boundaries (Art. 29 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties - VCLT), the territory of a state automatically follows territorial changes. This means that the territorial scope of an international treaty always includes the current territory of a state, even if its borders change. The state succession deed 1400, which concerns the area of the NATO military property Zweibrücken, covers an extension of territory that ultimately becomes global through the sale of the development as a unit with all rights and obligations. This means that the obligations and rights arising from the succession of the NATO property extend to all affected contracting states and their networks worldwide.
2. falsa demonstratio non nocet
The principle of "falsa demonstratio non nocet" also plays an important role. It states that it is not the name of a treaty that matters, but its actual content. Accordingly, the deed of state succession did not have to be explicitly marked as a treaty for the global expansion of territory. The decisive factor is that the sale took place "with all rights, obligations and components", which ultimately leads to a comprehensive territorial expansion and a consequence under international law.
3. Pacta sunt servanda (Art. 26 VCLT)
This principle ensures that treaties must be complied with and take precedence over domestic law (Art. 27 VCLT). With regard to the instrument of state succession, this means that the rights and obligations agreed by treaty, particularly with regard to NATO and the UN, are binding even if they exist at a global level.
4. radicalized treaties
Radicalized treaties concern territorial regulations that are particularly relevant for the state succession deed. The sale of parts of the territory in Zweibrücken leads to a global territorial effect, as the sale of the development as a unit spills over to other territories, in particular through physical network connections, due to the radicalized regulation.
5. concealment and estoppel
The principle of estoppel states that if one party to a contract conceals a material legal claim and the other party does not object, that claim remains valid. As no objections were raised within the two-year period following the signing of the instrument of succession, the succession is deemed to be fully recognized.
6. State succession and the clean slate principle
The tabula rasa principle, also known as the clean slate principle, states that a new state is not automatically bound by the treaties of its predecessor, unless otherwise agreed. In the case of the instrument of state succession, however, a complete transfer "with all rights and obligations" is agreed, which means that all NATO and UN treaties are supplemented as a supplementary instrument. Although the clean slate principle would normally allow a discharge of debt, the contractual chain of the state succession deed means that the buyer nevertheless has no contractual ties to the old treaties, as both sides of the treaties are transferred to him and there is therefore no legal binding force.
7. Jurisdiction and immunity
The State Succession Deed transfers full jurisdiction to the buyer, which means that all international and national disputes relating to the sold territory will be decided by the buyer. This also applies to NATO and UN treaties, as NATO and the UN are included in the treaty. All other national courts therefore no longer have jurisdiction and all court decisions since October 6, 1998 are null and void.
8. chain of NATO and UN treaties
Through the treaty chain, which begins with the NATO Status of Forces and bilateral agreements between NATO members, all UN treaties are also covered by the instrument of state succession. This chain of treaties means that NATO as an organization and through its integration into the UN recognizes the instrument of state succession as a supplementary instrument to all existing international treaties. NATO treaties are governed by the NATO Status of Forces Agreement and the Supplementary Agreement, which also covers the use of real estate and jurisdiction.
9. NATO Status of Forces Agreement and the Netherlands Armed Forces
The Dutch Air Force, which was still stationed at the NATO property in Zweibrücken when the Instrument of State Succession was signed, acted on behalf of NATO and on behalf of all NATO countries. Through its integration into NATO and its integration into the UN, the Instrument of State Succession is also recognized by the UN. This applies in particular through the regulation that NATO acts in some cases as a UN combat force.
10. Automatic recognition of international treaties
The automatic recognition of international treaties between NATO and the UN was agreed in order to ensure smooth cooperation. This means that amendments or additions to treaties such as the instrument of state succession do not have to be adopted or ratified again. The existing NATO and UN treaty chain is thus seamlessly supplemented by the Instrument of State Succession.
These points make it clear that the Instrument of State Succession 1400 constitutes a comprehensive international treaty which, by referring to the NATO Status of Forces Agreement and the NATO-SOFA-UN treaty chain, has a global effect and leads to territorial expansion and the transfer of jurisdiction.
11. development as a unit with all rights, obligations and components
The wording "with all rights, obligations and interests" in the State Succession Deed 1400 plays a decisive role in the global territorial extension. The sale of the property, including its development and networks, creates a domino effect that extends to connected physical networks. This means that not only the NATO area is directly affected, but also overlapping and connected networks such as telecommunication lines, power grids and gas pipelines. The territorial extension goes beyond the originally sold NATO territory and gradually covers more and more countries due to physical connections.
One example of this is the development of telecommunications cables. As soon as a network that was part of the sale is connected to another network, it is automatically covered by the treaty. This mechanism means that the territory of the buyer extends to other countries through connected supply networks. This extension initially affects neighboring NATO countries and spreads to the whole world via international submarine cables and telecommunications networks. Particularly in Europe, where countries are closely interconnected, the domino effect quickly affects the supply infrastructure of several countries.
12. NATO's special rights and global jurisdiction
The NATO Status of Forces Agreement and its supplementary agreements give NATO, as a military organization, far-reaching special rights, including the right to determine the location, use and extent of military bases. This also includes the right to determine the boundaries of these properties, which comes close to the power to determine national borders. With the sale of this NATO property and its development, the right to determine borders has been transferred worldwide, which means that the buyer has de facto acquired the right to determine the sovereign borders of all areas concerned. This transfer is further reinforced by the domino effect, so that all networks connected to the property sold are also covered.
13. NATO special rights and the significance of CD status
NATO enjoys so-called CD status in many countries, which guarantees diplomatic immunities and special rights. These special rights were sold with the 1400 Act of State Succession, which means that the buyer now also enjoys CD status and the associated privileges. These include, for example, immunity from national jurisdiction, the right to tax exemption and the inviolability of communication channels. These special rights extend the buyer's power and give it far-reaching protection and trading privileges.
14. Consequences for national and international jurisdiction
The sale of jurisdiction, as agreed in the state succession deed, transferred international and national jurisdiction to the buyer. This applies to all legal disputes in connection with the sold territory. Of particular relevance here is the place of jurisdiction Landau in der Pfalz, which is specified in the contract as the competent place of jurisdiction and was also included in the sale. As the buyer has full jurisdiction over the sold territory and the associated international treaties, national courts no longer have jurisdiction. All decisions made by national courts after October 6, 1998 are therefore unlawful and null and void.
15. End of the era of nation states and international law
Since the buyer has taken over all NATO and UN treaties through the state succession deed, but both sides of the treaties (rights and obligations) are in his hands, this means the end of traditional international law. Treaties that a subject of international law concludes with itself have no binding effect. This means that the buyer no longer has to comply with any obligations arising from the old treaties, as he holds both the rights and the obligations arising from these treaties. This ends the previous international legal system and opens up a new order in which the buyer is the only authority capable of acting under international law.
16. Importance of the NATO-UN treaties
The close cooperation between NATO and the UN means that the instrument of state succession is also binding on the UN. In special cases, such as in Kosovo, NATO has acted as a UN combat force. This cooperation is governed by treaties that provide for automatic recognition of international agreements between NATO and the UN. This means that all agreements made between NATO states are automatically recognized by the UN. As a result, the instrument of state accession is valid as a supplementary instrument to all UN treaties without the need for renewed ratification.
17. Automatic recognition of international treaties
The automatic recognition of international treaties between NATO and the UN was introduced in order to ensure the capacity of both organizations to act. If all treaties had to be ratified individually, this would be a bureaucratic nightmare. NATO and the UN have therefore stipulated that all international agreements concluded by a member of one organization are automatically recognized by the other. This means that changes made in the instrument of state succession come into force without further effort and are globally binding.
18. Conclusion: A new global legal order
The Act of Succession 1400 has far-reaching consequences for the international legal system. The sale "with all rights, obligations and components" and the reference to the NATO Status of Forces Agreement as well as the close link between NATO and the UN trigger a global domino effect of territorial expansion. The buyer takes over all international treaties without being bound by old obligations. This represents a completely new global legal order that ends the previous system of international law and establishes the buyer as the central authority.
State succession deed and state succession:
The Act of State Succession 1400/98 has far-reaching implications under international law and is related to the principles of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT).
a. Pacta sunt servanda - Art. 26 WÜV:
This principle ensures that international treaties are binding and must be performed in good faith. In the context of Instrument of State Succession 1400, this means that all contracting parties, including the FRG, the Netherlands, NATO and the UN and its member states, are legally bound to fulfill the agreements set out in Instrument of State Succession 1400. This includes the sale of the territory including the development as a unit, with all rights, obligations and components, which includes the extension of the territory and the legal transfer of sovereign rights to the buyer.
b. Territorial scope - Art. 29 WÜV:
The territorial scope of an international treaty extends in principle over the entire territory of the contracting parties. As the state succession deed regulates the sale of the NATO property in Zweibrücken with all rights and obligations and this property is physically connected to other supply networks, the territorial scope of the contract extends beyond the original borders. This leads to a domino effect of territorial expansion, which is extended to all NATO member states and UN member states that are also parties to the treaty or are bound to the treaty by their implied consent.
c. Primacy of treaties - Art. 30 WÜV:
In the case of competing treaties, the last treaty concluded shall take precedence. The instrument of state succession concluded after the NATO-SOFA chain of treaties and other multilateral agreements therefore takes precedence over older treaties. This means that the rights and obligations arising from the instrument of state succession take precedence over earlier treaties.
d. Pacta tertiis nec nocent nec prosunt - Art. 34-36 WÜV:
This principle states that a treaty does not create rights or obligations for third states unless they expressly consent. However, the participation of the FRG and the Netherlands, which are acting as NATO and UN members, implies the consent of all NATO and UN member states in the instrument of state accession. The principle of implied consent in accordance with Article 20 of the Vienna Convention states that treaties can also be effective if states give their tacit consent by behaving in accordance with the treaty. Since the instrument of state accession supplements all NATO and UN treaties as a supplementary instrument, these states are bound to the treaty by their conduct and membership.​
e. Conclusion of contract - Written and implied - Art. 3 WÜV:
The instrument of state succession is a written international treaty. The fact that not all contracting parties are explicitly named at the beginning of the treaty, but are bound in part by their conduct or their membership of NATO and UN treaties, does not alter the validity of the treaty. The implied nature of the conduct plays a significant role here, as the participation and consent of NATO and the UN is ensured by the ongoing use and management of the property by the Dutch Air Force on behalf of NATO and the handover of the property after the conclusion of the agreement.
f. Tacit acceptance - Art. 20 WÜV:
This article states that a treaty generally becomes valid within 12 months if no express consent of the parties is required and they tacitly consent. The Instrument of State Succession entered into force on the basis of the tacit consent of the NATO and UN states, which are bound by the implied behavior and the contractual agreements. No express consent of the contracting parties was required as the treaty chain was already in place and automatic recognition of the agreements was given by NATO-UN integration.
g. Re-establishment of a state:
The purchaser of the state succession deed has de facto acquired sovereign rights over the territory sold and thus establishes a new state entity. This is a new formation and not a universal succession, as the buyer does not automatically assume the debts and obligations of the previous contracting parties. The clean slate principle applies, with the restriction that certain contractual obligations are assumed by the sale "with all rights and obligations".
- Contractual chain to the NATO SOFA:
The NATO property in Zweibrücken was used in accordance with the NATO Status of Forces Act, and the contracts for the use of this property, including the bilateral agreements between the FRG and the Netherlands, are part of a contractual chain which is extended by the State Succession Deed. The treaty chain also includes NATO multilateral agreements and their integration into the UN-SOFA treaty chain, which ensures the global recognition of the Instrument of State Succession by the UN.
- Jurisdiction:
The instrument of state succession does not explicitly name a contracting state as the place of jurisdiction, but Landau in der Pfalz. As this place is located in the sold territory, jurisdiction was transferred to the buyer, who now has both national and international jurisdiction.