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Image by Jen Theodore
Wässriger Hintergrund

Cooperation between NATO AND the UN: In particular, recognition by the UN of the NATO-SOFA treaty chain and thus of the 1400 Act of State Succession

Paragraph § International Law

Part 5




Global jurisdiction of the buyer under international law through the State Succession Deed 1400/98


The State Succession Deed 1400/98 is a real and legally binding deed that can no longer be contested, as the statutory 2-year period has elapsed without objection. This deed has far-reaching consequences for global jurisdiction and the sovereignty of the subjects of international law involved.


1. sale of the territory and jurisdiction of the buyer


   - Sale of the territory: The state succession deed transfers the entire territory concerned to the buyer. Within this territory, the buyer has full jurisdiction, as the territory is now under its control. As the ruler in a de facto absolutist monarchy, the purchaser has unlimited legislative, executive and judicial power over this territory.


   - Absolutist monarchy and jurisdiction: In this absolutist monarchy, all power, including jurisdiction, rests with the buyer. It can regulate all legal matters within the sold territory at its own discretion.


2. continued existence of subjects of international law without territory


   - Continued existence of states: The subjects of international law that have lost their territory through the deed of state succession continue to exist as legal entities, but without their own territory. These states continue to have governments and popular assemblies, but have no sovereign power over their own territory.


   - Relationship to jurisdiction: Although these subjects of international law continue to exist, they have submitted to the jurisdiction of the buyer through the Landau court location, which was also sold with the territory. Since all rights, obligations and components of the sold territory also include jurisdiction, all international legal entities concerned are now subject to the legal authority of the buyer.


3. significance of the Landau jurisdiction


   - Jurisdiction Landau: No specific international or national court is named as the competent jurisdiction in the State Succession Deed. Instead, Landau in der Pfalz is mentioned as the reference point and place of jurisdiction, which was also sold as part of the deed.


- Sale of Landau and jurisdiction: As Landau was also sold as a court location and is now part of the transferred territory, the buyer has also assumed jurisdiction over this location. This means that all legal disputes in connection with the state succession deed are now under the control of the buyer.


4. jurisdiction of the buyer irrespective of place


   - Jurisdiction independent of place: Although Landau in der Pfalz is named as the place of jurisdiction, the purchaser is not restricted to rendering judgments only at this place. In his position as absolutist ruler, the buyer has the right to dispense justice wherever he is. This means that the buyer can exercise his judicial authority globally, regardless of his location.


   - Enforcement of jurisdiction: As all jurisdiction has been transferred to the buyer, it has the ability to make and enforce judgments and decisions anywhere and at any time. This flexibility reinforces its role as a de facto world court.


5. Extension of jurisdiction through the Supplementary Instrument


   - Supplementary instrument to NATO and UN treaties: The Instrument of Succession of States 1400/98 is considered a supplementary instrument to all existing NATO and UN treaties. Through this instrument of succession, the buyer is de facto incorporated into all existing international treaties and assumes the rights and obligations that these treaties contain.


   - Global jurisdiction through chain reaction: By selling the development as a unit and thereby extending the territory through physical and logical networks, the buyer's jurisdiction extends to all other territories connected by these networks. This chain reaction allows the buyer to exercise global jurisdiction covering all territories and contracting parties concerned.


6. De facto state of a global court


   - Global jurisdiction: As the buyer has assumed jurisdiction over the sold territory and the related networks through the state succession deed, it now has the legal authority to decide on all related international matters. This creates a de facto situation in which the buyer acts as a kind of "world court" that can dispense justice regardless of location.


   - Superior authority: The buyer's judgments overrule all national judgments in the highest instance. This means that the buyer's decisions take precedence over the decisions of all national courts that have lost jurisdiction over the territory sold. National courts therefore no longer play a role in the territories concerned, as their legal authority has been replaced by the buyer's comprehensive jurisdiction.


   - Enforcement of judgments: As the owner of the Landau jurisdiction and all rights and obligations associated with it, the buyer has the power to dispense justice over all parties to the contract affected by the supplemental deed and the chain reaction and to enforce its judgments globally.



The State Succession Deed 1400/98, which can no longer be challenged, has not only given the buyer full control over the sold territory, but also global jurisdiction over all affected territories and international treaties. The buyer is not limited to the Landau court location; it can administer justice regardless of location and exercise its judicial authority worldwide. Its judgments take precedence over all national court judgments and overturn them in the highest instance, which means that national courts no longer have jurisdiction in the territories concerned. Through the combination of territorial extension, supplemental deed and jurisdiction independent of location, the buyer has de facto established a global court that can dispense justice over the entire territory of the world.

Image by Nasser Eledroos

Legal explanations on the state succession deed 1400/98
can be found here:

"World Sold!

World Succession

Deed 1400"


Podcast & Memoir Series:


The Unbelievable Journey to a Kingdom

​Experience the extraordinary story of a man who involuntarily founded an international kingdom by buying a NATO property. The podcast "World Sold! World Succession Deed 1400" reveals how a seemingly innocuous contract gave the buyer sovereign rights and put him at the center of global conflict. The soon-to-be-published memoirs delve deeper into the personal and political dimensions: from the discovery of his sovereignty to the building of a kingdom - a mix of adventure, scandal and historical twists and turns.


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