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Die Erde darauf eine satellitenschüssel darunter die Buchstaben NWO viele symbolische strahlen und zwei sich kreuzende Schwerter

N.W.O. New World Order - Conspiracy - Facts - Info - News - NATO - UN - United Nations - International Law - the whole story since 1995 - Autobiography

​WORLD SOLD - the podcast series about the real "World Succession Deed 1400/98", the international treaty that sold the whole world. A former NATO military site in Germany was sold under international law with the participation of NATO and the UN - United Nations with all rights, obligations and components (which includes sovereignty rights) with the development as a unit. This triggered a global domino effect of territorial expansion, which jumps from country to country, from network to network, until finally the whole world is sold. 

NWO - Word Sold - State Succession Deed

NWO - Word Sold - State Succession Deed

Ein Mann hat etwas zu verbergen er raucht geheimnisvoll und ist Teil einer Verschwörung dahinter kunstvolle wandgemälde

YouTube Video No. 1:
(real life / true story)

NATO - United Nations - Worldwide Kingdom - Micronation to Global Territory Expansion

Experience the incredible journey of a young man who turned a seemingly innocuous real estate purchase into an Anatom military base, first a micronation and eventually a global kingdom! 


In our latest video podcast, we dive deep into the fascinating memoir of a visionary buyer who unwittingly acquired sovereign rights over a former NATO property. By selling the development as a unit under international law, with all the rights, obligations and components under international law involving NATO and the United Nations, a domino effect of global territorial expansion was triggered. Follow its steps from initial confusion to an international scandal that is turning world politics on its head.


Discover the truth behind an international treaty that had far-reaching consequences. This extraordinary piece of true history sheds light on issues such as the quest for world power, covert intelligence operations, fake news media campaigns, abuse of the courts as a weapon of attack, the Deep State, corruption, criminal psychiatry, coercive care, power, abuse of power and the courage of one individual to challenge the system and sacrifice his life for a good cause.


Join us and be inspired! Share the video and comment your thoughts! 


Immerse yourself in the legal consequences of the World Succession Deed 1400 - Staatensukzessionsurkunde 1400/98.


Excerpt from the soon to be published memoirs of the buyer


#kingdom #NATO #micronation #history #corruption #resistance #UN#United #Nations #lying press #VN #United #Nations #World #dominoeffect





An Unexpected Purchase



Hidden in Plain Sight



A Kingdom is Born



The Legal Battlefield



A Global Stage



David vs. Goliath



Transformation of a King



Echoes of Sovereignty



The Legacy Continues

Image by TheRegisti

Legal explanations on the state succession deed 1400/98

can be found here:
Youtube Show Video Nummer eins

The year is 1995, the Cold War is over and the US forces are withdrawing from Rhineland-Palatinate on a large scale. There is a sense of opportunity in the air. The former military bases are being privatized - a process known as "conversion". A young man and his mother take the plunge into self-employment in the real estate sector. They have their sights set on a former US site, a relic from a bygone era. The site was partially vacated by the US forces in 1993, but part of it remained occupied by Dutch forces on a NATO mission.


The site is huge: it comprises 350 residential units, building land, its own heating plant, roads and a complete infrastructure. The price is surprisingly attractive. The young man and his mother are looking for an investor to buy the entire site. As real estate agents, they would like to earn a commission. But they also see privatization as an opportunity to build a modern, high-tech intranet.


After years of negotiations, they finally find a buyer. However, shortly before the contract is signed, it turns out that the responsible authority is not allowed to work with estate agents. The two are faced with a difficult choice: either they become buyers themselves or they lose the deal.


They decide to buy the property themselves. What looks like an ordinary real estate purchase turns out to be a complex and momentous process. The contract contains clauses under international law that initially go unnoticed. These grant them more than just ownership - they give them sovereign rights over the land.


After further investigation, they realize that the treaty de facto allows them to establish a micronation. They declare the former NATO property to be their sovereign territory. However, this decision has massive consequences. Germany sees this step as a threat and begins to fight it with all means at its disposal: Legal proceedings, press defamation and even attempts to place the young man under compulsory supervision follow.


While the two originally only had a real estate project in mind, they suddenly find themselves in a political and legal power struggle. Their claim to sovereignty is systematically undermined by Germany. They were dispossessed, defamed and made homeless. Despite this, they hold on to their legal claim and fight against the superior power using the means of international law.


Their case becomes internationally known. Some see them as a modern David fighting against the Goliath of state despotism. Others see them as dreamers or even opponents of the system. Despite all the setbacks, they are not discouraged. Their unusual struggle questions the nature of borders, state authority and national sovereignty.


Over time, their vision grows: a world without borders, based on cooperation, technology and peace. Her story becomes a symbol of the power of the individual to challenge existing structures and initiate change. But the road is long and full of adversity.


In the end, her legacy remains - not as a physical kingdom, but as the idea that even the smallest voice can be heard if it stands up for freedom and justice.


The ongoing legal disputes and Germany's massive countermeasures force the young man and his mother into a state of permanent defense. Despite their initial naivety, they become experts in international law and political strategy. The international law clauses in the treaty, which they had initially attached little importance to, became the central element of their struggle.


Germany resorts to increasingly drastic measures to undermine their sovereignty. The press, authorities and secret services work together to delegitimize their claim. The two experience forced evictions, defamation campaigns and physical and psychological assaults. But they defend themselves, based on the treaty and the principles of international law.


The foundation of a micronation

The decision to declare the former NATO property a micronation becomes a turning point. They call it a "two-person kingdom", a symbolic act of resistance against German state power. But their opponents gave them no peace. Germany saw the recognition of this micronation as a potential weakening of its own authority. A covert "legal war of aggression" ensued, flanked by hundreds of defamatory press reports and an intensive public smear campaign.


Resistance to the attacks

The two tried to find allies, but many withdrew - intimidated by the overpowering German state. International organizations recognize the explosive political dimension of the case, but keep a low profile. The micronation became a symbol of the desire for self-determination and independence, but remained isolated.


Germany escalates the conflict further: foreclosures, legal harassment and even the use of psychiatric drugs are used against the young man. He is placed under compulsory care, which enables Germany to act on his behalf. Nevertheless, he refuses to give up his fight.


Global attention is growing

In the meantime, the story has attracted worldwide attention. While the German authorities are trying to portray the case as a scandal involving a real estate developer, others see it as an example of the courage to rebel against powerful institutions. International legal experts, historians and journalists analyze the case and discuss its implications for international law and the legitimacy of states.


A fight for a better world

The young man, now aged and scarred by the battles, does not give up. He is committed to a vision of a united, peaceful world in which technology, science and cooperation take center stage. His story inspires people who believe in a world without borders and prejudice.


Although Germany continues to try to undermine its claim, the micronation remains a symbol of resistance and hope. The legal battles continue, but the case shows that even one individual has the potential to challenge existing power structures.


The legacy

In the end, history will not only be characterized by legal battles, but by the idea that change is possible. The treaty, which was once just a document, becomes a symbol of the power of the individual and the ability to fight against seemingly insurmountable obstacles.


The world watches in anticipation as the battle for the micronation unfolds - and the impact it will have on the global order.


The story evolves into a tale of the limits of power, the strength of the human spirit and the struggle for justice.


The return to the negotiating table

After years of intense conflict, accompanied by international attention and increasing sympathy for the two protagonists, the situation comes to a head. Germany realizes that a continuation of the conflict would only mean further damage to its international reputation. Government representatives secretly make contact with international mediators in order to find a solution.


The talks begin hesitantly. The young man and his mother insist that the original terms of the agreement be respected. However, they realize that a compromise is necessary to defuse the situation. In the end, both sides agree to transfer the NATO property to an independent foundation. The foundation is to serve as a neutral ground for scientific, technological and cultural projects - an idea inspired by the young man's vision.


The creation of a global innovation center

The foundation, which is eventually established under international supervision, attracts researchers, artists and visionaries from all over the world. It becomes a place where the borders between nations no longer play a role. High-tech laboratories, conference centers and living quarters for international experts are built on the former NATO property.


The young man becomes a symbol of this progress. Despite the challenges he has faced, he remains true to his vision of a better world. His speeches at international forums, in which he talks about the importance of freedom, cooperation and resilience, inspire millions.


A new generation takes over

Over time, the young man and his mother retire from the management of the foundation. A new generation took over, shaped by the principles they had fought for. The foundation continues to grow and develops into a global model for cooperation.


Preserving the legacy

The history of the micronation, the treaty and the years of struggle are recorded in books, films and documentaries. Historians debate the significance of this case for international law, and the foundation remains a living symbol of the ability of individuals to stand up to powerful systems.


In the end, the story shows that it is possible to bring about positive change even in the most adverse circumstances - and that the dream of a more peaceful, just world must never be abandoned.



The young man, now in old age, looks back on his life and sees that his struggle was not in vain. The foundation is flourishing and the principles he fought for live on. Despite the scars left by the conflict, he feels fulfilled because he has proven that even one person can change the world.

The turning point: a global appeal

As the tension grows and gains traction, the political tension around the treaty and the micronation remains. The world is divided: Some nations see the Foundation's success as a threat to their power structures, while others celebrate the project as a model for the future.


In a final attempt to resolve the conflict once and for all, the man appears at an international conference of the United Nations. His speech, known as the "Appeal for a United Humanity", calls for a new understanding of sovereignty, cooperation and justice. He emphasizes that power should not lie in the hands of states or individuals, but in the principles of freedom, innovation and common progress.


His words reverberated around the world and triggered a movement that he himself could not have foreseen. Activists, intellectuals and even some governments are embracing the idea that borders and nation states are obsolete and should be replaced by global networks of cooperation.


Germany gives in - a new era begins

Pressure grows on Germany to join the global movement. Finally, the German government declares that it will end the conflict over the treaty. In a symbolic act, Germany officially transfers the administration of the former NATO property to the Foundation and recognizes its status as international territory.


The foundation becomes the center of a new movement called the "United Earth Initiative". Its aim is to solve global problems such as poverty, climate change and technological inequality through international cooperation.


The return to silence

The man who once started out as a real estate agent and unwittingly became the symbol of a global revolution is slowly withdrawing from public life. He lives quietly in a small apartment on the foundation's premises and devotes his time to writing and reflecting.


He publishes a book entitled "From broker to monarch: A Story of Power, Resistance and Humanity", which becomes a bestseller. In the book, he describes his experiences, his mistakes and his hopes for the future.


A legacy of hope

The foundation continues to grow and becomes a beacon of hope for humanity. Its projects include global education programs, technologies to combat climate change and initiatives to promote peace and understanding between cultures.


The story of the man and his mother remains an example of how individuals can change the world. Their vision of a united humanity inspires generations to transcend borders and create a better future together.


The final act

In his old age, the man dies peacefully in his home, surrounded by those who have found hope through his vision. His death is mourned worldwide and his life is celebrated as a symbol of courage and determination.


The Foundation is naming one of its largest projects - a global artificial intelligence network to lead humanity into a new era - after him.


His legacy lives on, not only in the structures he created, but in the idea that every person, no matter how small or powerless they may feel, has the power to change the world.

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