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Germany's quest for world power
Read the factual report that rips the mask off Germany's face! Germany sees itself at the end of its centuries-old fantasies of omnipotence. Germany as world ruler and world court - fortunately for us all just a megalomaniacal delusion!
Read an exclusive excerpt (reading sample) from the autobiographical memoirs - the memoirs of the buyer from the State Succession Deed 1400/98, which will be published soon.
In the memoir series, the buyer describes how the state succession charter of 1400 came about and the incredible events that followed.
It is an unbelievable, totally crazy and implausible story, but it is based on facts!
Excerpt from the script of the still untitled memoirs of the buyer
Oh baby! It's a Sabotage!
At this point comes the part where Germany wanted to get to the territories of the NATO countries, but also to the UN territories, which are also affected. This is what makes the 1400/98 treaty explainable.
Could that have worked?
A very clear yes! Did it happen?
A very clear - no!
When I was at the appointment at the notary's premises in the pedestrian zone in Pirmasens, my mother and I entered the room where the notary and the OFD official were already present.
I sat down and the OFD official said that we would not be transferring the roads and networks to the city of Zweibrücken today as we had discussed.
But there was another contract to sign.
I actually wanted to finally check off the roads and get it over with. I was surprised, initially reacted dismissively and wanted to read it first, as I hadn't heard of this contract before and it seemed dubious to me.
I was afraid of being ripped off.
To my surprise, the whole contract fitted on one DIN A4 page and it simply said that I had completely fulfilled the contract 1400/98 - and had no more obligations!
Nothing else!
Of course I was able to read and understand the contract with the FRG without much preparation!
So it was a deal - nothing better could happen to me than to have this confirmed!
I was suddenly free of any obligations to Germany that might have arisen!
Fully fulfilled - great!
So there was no obligation to transfer the development to Germany.
We could have transferred the roads and networks later - I thought - if I was willing!
I signed and the authorized representative of the Federal Government - the OFD official signed as well.
"We should make up for the fact that we are transferring the roads and networks to Germany in another appointment at some point in the future," said the OFD official.
But that never happened!
Everything changed after this appointment.
That was the starting signal for the damage - the turning point.
Up until then, success had just flown my way - I was right in the fast lane!
But then everything changed and from then on there was only one direction - downhill. Easy come, easy go and all the rest was thrown in after me! But the descent was imperceptibly slow at first and picked up momentum over time. From then on, I was a sitting duck, since then Germany has obviously been living under the delusion that everything has been transferred to me - from then on I was outlawed, so to speak! If Germany thought it had the contract safely in its hands from that point on, its behavior made sense. And only then!
Because harming me beforehand - before the imaginary treaty - is pointless, because that would lead to Germany throwing itself out of the future treaty. This is because a treaty under international law cannot be concluded if there is a situation that can be blackmailed, which of course arises as a result of damage.
By not getting a preliminary version of the second - imaginary - treaty, it was easier to present me with a completely different - real - treaty at the notary appointment.
A document confirming that I had fully complied with the international treaty.
At the same time, this also served to deceive Germany. The preliminary talks on the phone before the appointment also served to deceive Germany. But the final nail in the coffin was that the transfer of rights was to be carried out free of charge for Germany.
By wanting to withdraw me and leaving me without money (without a purchase price for all NATO and UN territories), I could be presented with a completely different deed and no purchase price payment had to be made. Otherwise I would have wondered why Germany had suddenly paid money into my account when I hadn't sold anything. If my account had suddenly been full, I would have needed an explanation.
And then there would have been a new two-year period in which I could have lodged an objection - that wasn't what I wanted.
So the people who were taken for a ride were taken for a ride themselves.
There is only one explanation for this:
Germany was fooled and sabotaged by two Germans, a notary from Pirmasens and an OFD official from Koblenz.
These are the two key positions that were necessary to present Germany with a forged - non-existent - deed - where Germany bought.
Otherwise, there would have been a second appointment at some point afterwards or another attempt to transfer the rights to Germany and thus the NATO and UN territories.
But the issue was over and no further attempt was made - of course because Germany thought it had everything wrapped up.
A complete delusion on Germany's part!
Since that date, Germany apparently sees itself in a position to subjugate all NATO and UN states "EVERY TIME" by means of its own binding international court ruling and thus usurp the world power
The OFD official and the notary were obviously double agents working for a foreign secret service and letting Germany run into the open knife!
I don't know what such a contract with Germany would have looked like in detail and I can only speculate. What is clear, however, is that the roads (which were to serve as the basis of a sovereign territory under which the networks would run and thus break the borders) and above all the networks (i.e. the entire development that forms a unit) would have been sold and thus the entire NATO and UN states would have been affected by a new domino effect of territorial expansion.
And in order to explain the damage, the actual handover would have had to be in the future and, without any further action on my part, would have had to come purely from Germany.
At a point in time that determines Germany and through a corresponding judgment that is effective in all states at the same time in the highest instance and thus puts Germany in power.
Thus, by damaging my person, criminal liability under international criminal law could be incurred and thus the N.W.O. could be put into power and all responsible politicians in the states concerned could be legally removed from the path.
It should be noted that it will come out that this transfer to Germany and the UN territories never took place.
At the latest at the moment when Germany wants to officially acknowledge the non-existent treaty and thus legally gain access to the NATO and UN territories.
Through the imaginary international treaty and the imaginary jurisdiction under international law.
Until then, Germany can continue to be deceived into being the "doer".
Since this deception still works today, it shows the quality of the intervention of the foreign services, which must have infiltrated Germany right into its innermost circles and steered Germany in such a way that it has no chance.
This was quite obviously a showpiece and a good example of covert operations using double agents that sabotaged the claim to world domination of the FRG and its allies.
Good & right!
Germany must not prevail in such a devious and malicious act!
Germany must fail in its bid for world domination and must not emerge as the winner in this story.
It is precisely at this point that intervention by a foreign secret service is probably the most important key moment - preventing Germany from rightfully gaining world power and instead giving it to a non-powerful individual - namely me.
I cannot wage war - I am powerless!
I can't conquer the territories by force - I can't wage a war of aggression - unlike Germany, which is capable of doing so and poses a real threat to foreign countries.
I was probably the lesser evil for foreign countries. At the same time, this means that at a certain point, foreign countries got wind of the 1400/98 deed and prevented Germany from gaining control of the rights. And thus Germany could not wage a war of aggression when the territories to be conquered abroad already belonged to it legally and only had to be collected.
According to such a treaty, the territories would have been legally transferred to Germany and it would be legal to take the territories by force in an attack - even though so-called wars of aggression were declared illegal under international law after the Second World War and thus the conquest of foreign countries by the FRG and its allies would normally never be legal.
Therefore, the attempt to get the territories transferred from me is deeply evil and shows an intention of conquest by Germany and a long-standing plan - the preparation of a war of aggression against all NATO and UN states concerned. Only the future will show whether Germany will refrain from conquering foreign countries when it realizes that the territories do not belong to it after all.
There were only two people (double agents) who were necessary to deceive Germany:
A: the OFD official - the plenipotentiary of the Federal Government - acting for the Federal Republic of Germany,
B: the small notary from the provincial town of Pirmasens in the Palatinate.
- To buy them both through secret services - Child's Play!
It is only logical that this was initiated by foreign services.
So the foreign country was aware of the contract, but obviously could no longer contest or rescind it. A legal challenge was also not possible because:
1. I was not bribed.
2. I did not bribe anyone.
3. neither I nor the NATO or UN states were in a blackmailable state.
4. ignorance is not a reason for resignation.
5. the statute of limitations is 2 years.
6. the worst thing for foreign countries, however, was that jurisdiction under international law was transferred to me, and that the NATO and UN states should have informed me about this - about the nature of the treaty - and then sued me! In other words, they would have had to submit to me as a person - to my jurisdiction! Unimaginable!
7. a signature by the subjects of international law involved in the treaty is not legally necessary. It is sufficient to have assumed rights and/or obligations under international law in the treaty and to behave accordingly. Which is the case. It should be mentioned here that reference was made to the previous transfer relationship between the FRG, NL armed forces and NATO (which is integrated into the UN and automatic recognition of international treaties has been agreed on both sides) and this old transfer relationship remained unaffected. This was a legal trick. As the parties to the treaty have handled the old transfer relationship in accordance with the NATO Status of Forces Treaty, my treaty is legally accepted and is deemed to have been signed. Even if most subjects of international law have probably never seen the treaty. Dodgy lawyer's tricks!
8) Subsequent ratification of the treaty by the national parliaments is also not provided for in the treaty and is therefore unnecessary. Ratification is only required if it is explicitly provided for in the treaty. Furthermore, the Act of Accession 1400 is a supplement to the NATO Status of Forces Agreement and this chain of treaties, which had already been adopted and ratified. As a supplement to the NATO Status of Forces Agreement, no further ratification is required as the treaties form a legal chain/unit. Starting from the NATO Status of Forces Treaty chain, in conjunction with the sale of all rights, obligations and components, the treaty chain is extended to all NATO and UN treaties, thus merging all these treaties into one large treaty construct by attaching the State Succession Instrument as a global supplementary instrument to all treaties.
The conspirators in Germany float in the omnipotent fantasy of having everything under control, of being undercover, of even having legally incorporated foreign countries - playing it safe.
In short, to be super-clever and the only players.
However, Germany was not allowed to know that the game had been turned at precisely this point by the intervention of foreign services. Otherwise there would certainly have been another attempt to annex NATO and UN territories.
From now on, however, the foreign services could safely withdraw and keep Germany in the mistaken belief that they would eventually achieve world domination.
Germany wouldn't listen to me anyway, as it is sure to play with me - to deceive me - and doesn't even think about running straight into the open knife. After all, Germany thinks it's a good idea to harm me in order to be rewarded by being able to cut off the political leaders worldwide through criminal responsibility under international law - after 10 years without prosecution.
The notary in Pirmasens had driven a dark Porsche convertible, which tells me that he likes money and was certainly not averse to bribes and obviously gave Germany a hard time for it. In my experience, most people are simply opportunists and not averse to a small bribe - the secret services know this and are only too happy to exploit human behavior!
After this deceptive appointment with the notary, there was another appointment with him, where we wanted to prepare the transfer of the roads and lines to Germany contractually. After all, the problem with the roads and cables on the Kreuzberg had not been solved, and I still wanted to transfer them to Germany. I was actually prepared to sign any contract for the transfer of the roads and development without reading it, but as it hadn't happened on the last attempt, I now wanted to make sure and prepare a contract (getting me to unconditionally transfer everything to Germany in another second deed of succession would have worked perfectly).
Then the notary suddenly started insulting me and said:
"I'm not smarter than him!"
In retrospect, that was also true.
On the other hand, education and intelligence are two different things. I was only in my early 20s and knew nothing about international law.
At first I ignored the insults and hostility, because I wanted to finally get the roads and the development over with - because according to the press reports in the lying press, development costs in the millions were looming (which of course I didn't have) and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to transfer everything to Germany "free of charge"!
But he continued to provoke arguments and behave like an asshole until we finally broke off the appointment, left the office and started looking for another notary.
My mother and I agreed that we didn't want to have anything more to do with this notary.
That was also exactly what we wanted. Then, after the notary had insulted us, time was gained and the illegal damage by Germany, including the city of Zweibrücken, began.
This meant that the transfer of the roads and networks to the city of Zweibrücken and Germany was off the table and, logically, we did not pursue it any further. As a result of the damage caused by Germany, it was not possible to find another notary to transfer the roads and networks.
The city of Zweibrücken, in particular, outed itself as our complete enemy immediately after the sabotaged notary appointment in Pirmasens and, of course, they then received absolutely nothing from us in return.
With the nets in the hands of the city of Zweibrücken, we would have been even more at the mercy of our enemies - even under German law - and they would have been able to strike back all the better.
For example, through fantasy billing and shutdowns. That was a real threat, since they had behaved so criminally anyway, we had to assume the worst.
Of course, the saboteurs wanted it that way, because it would have been totally treacherous - and would have compromised the successful covert intelligence operation - if we had continued to try to transfer the roads and networks to Germany via the town of Zweibrücken, because Germany was obviously under the delusion that everything was in the bag.
From the saboteurs' point of view, I was therefore not allowed to pursue a settlement of the development under any circumstances!
That is the reason why the town of Zweibrücken was forced to act as a co-aggressor. The actual reason presented to the local provincial political posse of the city of Zweibrücken remains hidden, because sovereignty is actually attractive in this city.
For the first time, it defies all logic to go against the grain.
So opposing it with all your might must have had a direct, major financial advantage for the posse.
Of course, the opposite would have been logical - to ally with me!
Zweibrücken as a new Monaco would have been logical! Because they knew what kind of contract it was - unlike me at the time.
A few days later, my mother wanted to pick up our files from the impudent notary in Pirmasens, who had become so cheeky. As this was a mere formality and would only take a few minutes, my mother went there alone.
Big mistake!
What my mother didn't realize was that this little thing was another case of the secret service covering up the truth for good.
So my mother entered the notary's office and asked the secretary to hand over the documents.​
She waited and waited, and at some point it took her too long. Then my mother opened the back room into which the secretary had disappeared and caught her trying to copy the 1400/98 deed with prefabricated text modules and thus forge it.
Just for your information - computers actually existed at the turn of the millennium and such a primitive attempt at forgery by a notary at the last minute is completely implausible!
The secretary should and wanted to be caught!
That was the plan!
Outraged, my mother took the documents and hurried out of the office, which was located on an upper floor of an apartment building.
The notary's secretary shouted:
"Stop her! Don't let her escape with the documents!"
And so an apparently uninvolved person - no doubt an agent provocateur from the secret service who had been deliberately placed there - pounced on my mother.
This man, who happened to be in the anteroom, fought against my mother in the multi-storey hallway, together with the secretary and three other people.
During the fight in front of the notary's office in the stairwell, my mother broke a rib.
The attackers tried to throw my mother over the banister, causing the files to fall down several flights of stairs and hit the granite floor hard, tearing my mother's top completely.
My mother just managed to pull herself back over the banister with the last of her strength and free herself from the attackers' grip. She slipped under the crowd of attackers and escaped.
One attacker grabbed her from behind by her torn top, which was torn from her body.
The attackers would have at least accepted my mother's death (or were the main target of the attack) if she hadn't let go of the files at the last second.
She ran down the stairs in agony and out of the house - still fleeing from the attackers.
In front of the house in the pedestrian zone, passers-by came to my mother's aid. One young man in particular fortunately stood in front of my mother to protect her. Completely distraught and wearing only a bra on her upper body, my mother used her cell phone to call the police and then me.
I drove straight away and found my mother completely distraught, bare-chested, with wounds and bleeding scratches in front of the notary's house in the middle of the pedestrian zone in Pirmasens, surrounded by onlookers.
The corrupt, briefed Pirmasens police were already there when I arrived and recorded everything impartially - of course no criminal prosecution was ever brought.
Once again, Germany intervened.
This time, however, it was to deceive Germany, to persuade Germany to protect the notary and his assistants from an attempted murder charge. In order to protect the very notary who had beaten Germany to the punch. As the absolute crowning glory of this secret service operation, the notary in Pirmasens even filed an application for guardianship against my mother and me in order to place us under court supervision and thus allow Germany to act on our behalf!
A first-class deceptive maneuver!
So the notary could present any contract, no matter how forged, and Germany obviously ate it up!
Proof that the double agents are fully on Germany's side:
Attempted murder of my mother!
You can also call it something else - the failed, deliberately planned murder!
The dirty secret service had no qualms about sacrificing my (legally expendable) mother in order to remain undetected - there was too much at stake!
There is no greater show of loyalty to Germany from the notary!
This is what a successful covert operation by foreign services under the eyes of Germany looks like.
This notary was apparently able to present everything to Germany afterwards, flanked by correspondingly falsified documents from the OFD Koblenz official, and they believed it!
This is how the players were played!
Believing that everything, including the Kreuzberg in Zweibrücken, no longer belonged to me anyway, the Zweibrücken civil servant gangsters were able to break in and take the Kreuzberg.
They thought there was a corresponding contract and I was the stupid one who had sold it but hadn't understood it. Of course, no one could explain it to me so that they could continue to use me. They needed another explanation to get the Kreuzberg.
The explanation for taking the Kreuzberg was then the completely illegal forced sale of the Kreuzberg due to ridiculous illegal invoicing.
A later judgment could have stated that the forced sale was illegal under German law, but the area had already been sold and I was no longer allowed to own it.
With this course of history, it only makes sense that Germany concluded deed 1400/98 with me as the sole beneficiary and transferred all NATO and UN territories and special rights from the NATO Status of Forces to me. Because as ignorant as I was when I bought it, I should get rid of it again and transfer it to Germany!
Quite simply!
I was the fool - the straw man - without knowing it!
That would have worked too!
And after 2 years, when the objection period - especially for foreign countries - was over, the transfer should have been made to the FRG.
And Germany is certainly still living in the fantasy that it worked.
Germany certainly didn't draw up deed 1400/98 to make a 19-year-old - no name! - super-rich and super-powerful!
I was a nobody, nothing else!
The FRG made the treaty in order to become a world power, to take over the other states, including NATO and the UN, and to attack and question those politically responsible.
So now to the elephant in the room! The most pressing question is: Why the hell me of all people?
1. the perpetrators are obviously opportunists!
In other words, they like to take advantage of opportunities that arise. And when I made the naive suggestion to the OFD to sell the Dutch part of the Kreuzberg estate when NATO was still there, an opportunity arose to sell all NATO and UN states at once!
2. the best thing was that I knew nothing about international law and was the ideal victim / straw man.
I could be fooled into believing that I was buying German real estate, in which the roads and development would surely go to Germany at some point and so everything would go back to Germany.
3. the sold states could have had nothing on me - as a nobody - to contest the contract within the two-year period.
I didn't come from a powerful family and had never bribed or been bribed! I was a blank slate!
4. because I was still young.
I was 22 years old when the contract was signed, and the completion of the overall plan was probably planned for decades.
5. because I had no support and it was so easy to damage me.
Because I had no support and because the perpetrators were not prosecuted for more than 10 years, political responsibility in international criminal law arose and many powerful people around the world would have been affected.
6 I wasn't well off financially either until the contract was signed.
At the time, I was barely scraping by from month to month and had no financial reserves. I rarely had more than 1,000 - 2,000 euros a month at my disposal. So it was a tempting offer - in my opinion at the time - to get 71 apartments and a heating plant financed by TASC Bau AG - suddenly having a financially secure future lured me blindly into throwing all caution overboard and entering into this contract. I had no idea what this would mean for me in the future.
It was a trap and I was the stupid one who fell for it. Since I wouldn't have gotten any money from a bank anyway, as I wasn't solvent and therefore not creditworthy, another solution had to be found to finance the deal. In addition, my mother had only had bad experiences with banks and didn't trust them, which later turned out to be a good and wise experience. For example, Commerzbank - one of the largest banks in Germany - where I had an account for many years, later simply made my account disappear, with tens of thousands of euros in it - which I could have used at the time - and cheekily claimed that I had never been a customer!
However, my mother's aim in avoiding a bank in this real estate transaction was to avoid having the debt entered in the land register. A bank would have insisted on this, whereas TASC Bau AG refrained from registering a land charge. TASC Bau AG even submitted the debt that I would have had with TASC - according to German interpretation - to the court and shortly afterwards withdrew the claim and thus also forfeited this claim under German law and waived the right to payment.
An enforcement order from an (allegedly) German real estate purchase contract (with an enforcement clause) could actually be enforced by a court if payment is not made as agreed. If such an enforcement order is submitted to the court for enforcement but then withdrawn, the claim is - forever - forfeited.
In retrospect, this was also clear, as TASC Bau AG was obviously cobbled to us in order to make the contract possible in the first place - otherwise I would never have been able to raise the money to pay the purchase price.
Mousetrap - bait - cheese - mouse dead! That's how it looks!
Only the deception of a transfer to the FRG explains the damage.
So, if it was actually faked that I got rid of everything again and simply transferred everything to the FRG via the city of Zweibrücken, the behavior of the state-employed gangsters in Zweibrücken, the rest of Germany and abroad makes sense.
After all, the contract was designed to be covert in the long term.
So Germany and Zweibrücken first had to pretend to be ignorant - until day X, when:
A: a German court - which holds jurisdiction under international law through the imaginary treaty - would pass a corresponding judgment, where
B: everything becomes official and then everyone could suddenly be in the know. In other words, Germany imagines that in the transfer that never took place, it naturally also received jurisdiction under international law.
C: Until day X, the perpetrators, especially the FRG, still have to keep a low profile and remain ignorant when it comes to territorial claims against NATO and UN states.
D: I should continue to be deceived and thus the perpetrators have deceived themselves!
Because the perpetrators are the players and are quite sure that they are not being played with!
Yes, you have no legal right to fool the whole world and only be confronted with the truth yourself.
At the same time, the perpetrators were artificially set up for success, all doors were opened for them and all contacts established so that they could also harm us in other cities and thus drag as many other state gangsters in other areas as possible into the legal abyss with them. The secret service as a door opener for decomposition!
They have to deal with the whole thing officially according to German law - until day X.
This leads to the following:
1. instead of simply taking over the Kreuzberg estate officially in accordance with the contract - according to the imaginary contract - another reason had to be found for the state gangsters in Zweibrücken to come into possession of the Kreuzberg estate and make that explainable to the public as well as to me. So a claim was constructed against me, which was then followed by an illegal forced sale.
The press hype and the hundreds of court cases were used for this purpose. With an auction date that was only published after the auction so that no other bidders could take part and they might have had to pay a higher price. After all, they thought that I had sold the property to Zweibrücken for free (an expert opinion determined a market value of over 70 million euros), and so the auction price of around 200,000 euros was already far too high anyway, as they thought they already legally owned it for free. Therefore, the regulations under German law on the amount of the auction price were not complied with at the first auction. From their point of view, they were already the owners of the Kreuzberg estate, so they were able to break all the laws and get their hands on the estate with fake judgments.
On day X in the future, it would be established that all the judgments were illegal and should never have been enforced, but they would still be the legal owners because they had an - imaginary - contract.
Only lawyers think like that! Those bastards!
2. even the rights from the contract, which would not directly affect the Kreuzberg estate, were too tempting not to be used directly. Keyword: Infinite right to compensation from the NATO troop statute. The support was then used for this purpose. In this way, I could be harmed and thus compensation could be generated and the perpetrators, who produced precisely this harm, could collect the compensation produced via the support and, of course, pay it out to themselves. From the perpetrators' point of view, this is also completely legal, as they have also been assigned the claims for damages in their imaginary contract and only have to collect them, as one day on day X it will be established that they have enriched themselves lawfully anyway. From their point of view, the only problem is that they cannot yet come out and have to live out their NATO troop status rights covertly. Greed also tells them not to wait until day X and let me enjoy the benefits of the apartments and rights - which in their view are completely illegal because they have been sold - but to take them covertly themselves immediately.
3. they pretend to have jurisdiction under German law, where they would have jurisdiction, but think that they have been given jurisdiction under international law in the imaginary treaty and think that they are also competent under international law and therefore have full power and control.
Whichever way you look at it, foreign countries know!
After all, I posted original copies of the treaty on the Internet at the turn of the millennium for everyone to read, and the press also publicized the issue in over 450 newspaper articles.
I didn't go on a trip around the world to see for myself, but I have heard that the Internet has been available worldwide since the early 1990s.
Even in North Korea - for the party bosses at least.
So the treaty is not secret knowledge, but could be found by anyone with a Google search! Although the press did not tell the full truth, it did mention the issue of the "new state and kingdom".
No foreign service can play dumb. I also sent the treaty to the White House in Washington DC - USA - and went to NATO headquarters in Brussels for a personal, clarifying discussion. I also applied for political asylum abroad in various cases and was rejected everywhere with the exact same sentence:
"I should go back to Germany! This is a German matter!"
I heard this in the USA, France, Belgium (at NATO headquarters) and in Austria, after which I ran out of money to travel on - as I was already homeless at the time - and had to stay in Germany and get through it. Conversely, that also meant that Germany thought it was in my position, and if I continued to have the Kreuzberg in Zweibrücken, I would be in violation of international law there and could therefore prevent Germany from selling it on.
So I had to get out of there.
And foreign countries may think - and this is pure speculation - that Germany will sell the territories back to them at a preferential price and then they will also be debt-free.
That would be one explanation for the cooperation. I was given the impression that the NATO states and the UN states were all in cahoots. In that case, it would make sense that a third party, wanting to see the failure, intervened with the double agents to sabotage the transfer from me to Germany.
Inevitably, the biggest NATO adversary / arch-enemy of all comes to mind. Namely Russia!
As I said, this is pure speculation. But Russia is famous and notorious for its secret services and would also have an interest in splitting up and weakening NATO and the UN. Depriving NATO and the UN of their legal basis would be the coup of all!
It would only take a relatively small secret service operation to trigger this huge effect. And that would be to sabotage the transfer of rights from me to Germany.
... "
You can look forward to the buyer's memoirs, which will be published soon.
Germany's world power mania
The real & the imaginary treaty
The real contract:
Instrument of State Succession 1400/98
The State Succession Treaty 1400/98, which was signed on October 6, 1998, marks the beginning of a covert global power struggle.
What apparently began as the purchase of a NATO military property in Zweibrücken by the buyer was in reality an international treaty of enormous historical proportions. This contract not only transferred a piece of real estate, but also the sovereign rights of all UN and NATO states and their physical and legal networks to the buyer. This also included the future development of the property, which would later become crucial.
The plan for world domination
Germany's plan for world domination was already firmly anchored in the Charter of State Succession 1400/98.
From the outset, Germany planned to use this treaty as a means of taking over sovereign territories around the world.
The future development of the property was deliberately provided for in the State Succession Charter 1400 in order to gradually set the territorial expansion in motion.
With the development under German law and transfer of the roads and pipelines as a unit to Germany, the NATO property, in a subsequent further treaty, the domino effect of global territorial expansion would have been set in motion a second time, which would span the entire world via the supply networks.
Deception of the buyer
The buyer, who was only a tender 19 years old when the contract negotiations began and just 22 when the contract was signed and did not have the necessary knowledge of international law, believed it was a simple property purchase.
Two years after the signing, shortly after NATO had handed over the property and after the two-year limitation period had expired, Germany put pressure on the buyer to transfer the roads and pipelines (as envisaged in the deed of succession 1400, but not bindingly agreed) to the town of Zweibrücken, as development was allegedly required under German law. This would allegedly be unavoidable, as the once extraterritorial US barracks were still supplied according to American rules and the networks would have to be adapted to German law.
The costs for this development, which would have amounted to millions of euros, were widely discussed in the local press, which put additional pressure on the buyer.
City of Zweibrücken - as representative of Germany and the Zweibrücken public utility company
Stadtwerke Zweibrücken threatened to stop transporting waste for the 350 apartments on the property as they had no right of access to the private roads. There were also immense costs for winter maintenance, which would have made the property practically uninhabitable and unrentable. In the midst of this pressure, Germany made the buyer a "generous" offer to take over the roads and development free of charge - a seemingly tempting deal.
The buyer, cornered by the looming costs, believed that it would be a good deal to transfer the development to Germany for free. What the buyer didn't know was that this transfer would have triggered the same domino effect of global territorial expansion that was already enshrined in the State Succession Act 1400/98.
The imaginary treaty and the second domino effect
At the notary appointment in Pirmasens, which the buyer attended with his mother, the transfer of the roads and pipelines to the town of Zweibrücken was originally to be concluded.
But instead, the buyer was presented with a surprising contract stating that he had completely fulfilled all obligations arising from the deed of succession 1400/98.
This one-sided contract, which was carefully drafted on a single A4 page to prevent forgery, even released the buyer from the agreement of a planned development with Germany. It was therefore agreed that there were no further obligations. The buyer signed and knew that he was thus released from all obligations. This could not have been in Germany's interest, as this notary appointment was actually intended to have the exact opposite effect, namely the free transfer of the roads including all lines as a unit, which would have triggered the well-known domino effect of global territorial expansion.
The role of the double agents at the notary appointment
This one-sided contract was the work of double agents - the OFD official of the Federal Government with the corresponding power of attorney and a notary from Pirmasens - who were obviously working for a foreign secret service.
These agents sabotaged Germany's plan for world domination by apparently presenting Germany with a false contract and thus preventing the transfer of the roads and pipelines from taking place.
However, Germany believed that the buyer had transferred everything and began to prepare for the day when it would claim global domination.
The new domino effect
Had the transfer of the roads and pipelines actually taken place, the domino effect of global territorial expansion would have been triggered again.
The roads and lines of the NATO property at Kreuzberg in Zweibrücken, under which the supply networks ran, would have acted as a unit that would have infected all connected networks. This contagion effect would have spread from the property to the public development of the city of Zweibrücken and would have eventually affected every connected or overlapping network worldwide. The entire world would thus have been infected by the transmission of the roads and lines to Germany.
Damage to the buyer
Once the imaginary contract had been signed and Germany believed it had gained control of the world (only legally for the time being), systematic damage to the buyer began.
Within 1.5 years, over 1000 court cases were brought by Germany against the buyer.
This was accompanied by an unprecedented media campaign consisting of around 450 defamatory press articles. This culminated in the illegal forced sale of the Kreuzberg property, which was carried out on the basis of fictitious invoices and false court decisions. The result was that the buyer was evicted.
Foreclosure and sabotage
The city of Zweibrücken and other state actors acted like criminal organizations to force the buyer out of the property. They fabricated claims against the buyer and arranged a forced sale, the date of which was only announced after the auction to prevent other bidders from taking part.
The damage to the buyer and methods of subversion used by the German secret services against the buyer and his mother were so extensive that he had to endure a total of 56 evictions in six years, which ultimately ended in homelessness and the subsequent illegal permanent / life imprisonment of the buyer and his mother in a penal psychiatric ward.
The attempted murder of the buyer's mother
Another highlight of the damage was the attempted murder of the buyer's mother when she tried to collect files from the notary in Pirmasens. The notary and his secretary, assisted by secret service agents, attempted to throw the buyer's mother over the banister. This attack was allegedly intended to prevent her from escaping with the original documents, which could prove that the buyer had been deceived in any way. This was also a covert operation by foreign services to lull Germany into a false sense of security that the imaginary second contract really existed and was not a forgery.
Germany naturally held its protective hand over the perpetrators in order to make the attempted murder of the buyer's mother unpunishable.
However, this was an own goal on Germany's part, because it meant that Germany trusted the double agents, who could thus safely present an imaginary / forged contract to Germany, making Germany believe that it held omnipotence.
Legal consequences and Germany's plan to seize world domination
Germany's plan to achieve world domination via the 1400/98 Act of State Succession and the further imaginary treaty that followed was designed from the outset to control the entire global network of supply lines. By transferring the roads and pipelines of the NATO property, Germany would have gained jurisdiction over all states in the world.
What happens if the buyer sues in Germany?
If the buyer were to sue in Germany because of the damage, it would automatically transfer jurisdiction over the world to Germany. Without a contract! Therefore, the buyer is permanently damaged financially, physically and psychologically since the expiry of the limitation period.
This would be the last step that Germany needs to take in order to gain control over the entire world. A German court ruling would then confirm that Germany has sovereign rights over all countries, and the world would officially be under German control.
Why NATO and the UN play no role in the imaginary treaty
In contrast to the Act of Succession 1400/98, in which NATO and the UN played a role, the imaginary treaty is only relevant between the buyer and Germany.
Since the buyer already has all sovereign rights over the world, NATO and the UN are irrelevant. The bilateral international treaty between the buyer and Germany would have been sufficient to reactivate the global territorial extension and transfer world jurisdiction to Germany.
Legal consequences of the imaginary treaty
The consequence of such a treaty would have been that Germany could legally claim all territories in the world. By transferring the roads (the core area of state succession) and pipelines (the trigger for a second domino effect of territorial expansion), Germany would have the right to control global sovereign rights without this being considered a war of aggression.
This would be the end of international law and the law of war, as there would then only be a single subject of international law: Germany.
Conclusion: Germany's secret plan
Germany's plan to deceive the purchaser of the State Succession Treaty 1400/98 and secure global control through a covert treaty was a long-term one. Germany was convinced that it could achieve world domination by gradually transferring the roads and pipelines (in a first step to the buyer and in a second step - via the development under allegedly German law - further to itself).
So Germany had no intention of favoring the buyer and giving him its own territory, as well as the territory of the rest of the world, but sold its own and all other territories, covertly, without changing its behavior, in order to then cleverly get not only the former German government territory, but all the others as well.
The plan was not to lose everything, but to get everything.
The buyer was just a clueless tool, nothing more.
But this plan was thwarted by the intervention of the double agents. After all, the buyer was with the notary to unconditionally transfer the roads and lines to Germany!
The foreign secret services, who used the notary and the OFD official as double agents, sabotaged Germany's plans and prevented the transfer of the roads and pipelines from being carried out as planned.
Since then, however, Germany has lived under the illusion that it already had control of the world in its hands, without realizing that the decisive final step was never actually taken. For although there was a signature, it was on a completely different contract than had been discussed for months with the OFD Koblenz.
Fortunately for the rest of the world.
Day X and Germany's bid for world domination
Germany has been preparing for years / decades for Day X - the day on which it reveals its supposed claims to world domination and claims global sovereign rights through its own international court ruling.
On this day, Germany would create the legal basis for its position of power and claim that all countries in the world have lost their territorial rights.
Court judgment and criminal responsibility under international law
Germany plans to use a court judgment to establish that the entire world has been transferred to Germany under the imaginary international treaty.
This would nullify all claims of other states under international law and establish Germany as the only remaining subject of international law.
Furthermore, since the notary appointment, Germany has begun to evade criminal responsibility under international law for the damage caused to the buyer. By taking massive judicial and extrajudicial measures against the buyer, Germany is attempting to shift responsibility onto the buyer and hypocritically avoid responsibility itself.
Forced supervision of the buyer as part of the plan
Another crucial part of the German plan is the compulsory supervision of the buyer. Germany has placed the buyer under court supervision in order to act on its behalf and possibly file lawsuits against itself, thus transferring jurisdiction to itself under international law. This is an attempt to transfer jurisdiction over the world to Germany without the buyer being able to actively intervene.
However, Germany will not allow itself to be deterred from suing the buyer in German courts as a substitute for the buyer's resistance, which cannot be broken even by the worst violations of the law and wants to prevent greater harm to the world through its suffering.
Germany is tightening the thumbscrews on the buyer and his mother, namely: psychological and physical torture, e.g. forced treatment, such as 4.5 years of illegal (is possible under German law for a maximum of 6-8 weeks) forced medication, long-term 5-point fixation (14 days for him and an incredible 6 weeks for his mother), permanent isolation (13 months) and very, very, very, much more, all illegal acts by Germany are accompanied by slogans such as:
"If he doesn't like it, he can sue!"
For years, Germany has been planning a covert attack on the UN states, possibly with the NATO states, in order to legally secure their territories.
Through the Treaty 1400/98 and the alleged subsequent imaginary treaty, Germany would have created a basis under international law to deprive the UN states of their legitimacy before an open war, in the course of hybrid warfare, and to make global territorial claims. The subsequent war of aggression would have been legalized by the treaty and the international court ruling, as Germany would already have the sovereign rights under the treaty.
The Third World War without rules
Should Germany succeed, it could unleash a third world war without rules. As it would have legal control over all territories in the world through the imaginary treaty, it could occupy any territory militarily without this being considered a war of aggression. In this case, it would merely be asserting its right to do so. This would be the end of international law and the international law of war, as only one single subject of international law - Germany - would still exist. The rest of the world would be defenceless against Germany's claim to power, and the world order as it exists today would collapse.
The buyer as the key to resistance
Although the German plan appears inscrutable at first glance, the key to resistance lies with the buyer himself. By refusing to sue in Germany and to submit to German jurisdiction, he is preventing Germany from finally taking power legally. The buyer has not filed a lawsuit to date, although he has been pressured to do so by the damage and even by the illegal life imprisonment in which he is also being tortured (with no release date - note: release only POSSIBLE by lawsuit).
As long as the buyer does not sue in Germany, the world is protected from the German claim to power.
But the question is what happens when day X comes and Germany and its allies publicly assert their claim to world power!
Day X, when the game of hide-and-seek comes to an end and Germany tries to subjugate the world via the imaginary treaty?
What if, in retrospect, the hitherto secret imaginary treaty, which Germany will then officially invoke, is reviewed and it is then established that it is imaginary / non-existent or a simple forgery and that at the Notary appointment in Pirmasens at the turn of the millennium a completely different treaty was signed, which agrees exactly the opposite, namely that the buyer has fulfilled everything in the 1400 deed of state succession and Germany is out of the deal!
No one can seriously assume that Germany and its co-conspirators will then drop everything.
Along the lines of:
Oops, tough luck! Not then! The others were smarter! Almost 30 years of planning and scheming, forging secret alliances, conspiring, blackmailing, bribing, in short corrupting the whole world, all for nothing?!
And the worst thing is, on the one hand, that even then Germany in particular is clearly aware that its own territory is gone forever - keyword: blackmailability of the buyer and what should also be immediately clear to those in power is that those responsible must now be prosecuted in order to remove the blackmailability of the buyer! So instead of world domination, off to prison!
Well, the politicians will never accept that, not in a thousand years!
Politicians would rather throw their entire people in front of them to be slaughtered in wars than stand up for their misdeeds!
So the only logical behavior of Germany in this case is to simply grab the world power without any legal basis!
Legal, illegal, who gives a shit!
Germany is far too far gone to stop.
Germany has no choice but to go all the way! Don't forget that the only legitimate claim the buyer has and that is a helpless individual.
All other states will not voluntarily cede their territory to the buyer and so all states in the world are equal again!
Equally illegal!
The best conditions for the Third World War!
The cards are being reshuffled, old alliances no longer count, anyone can work with or against anyone, the land simply has to be taken, it is not international law that applies, but the law of the strongest!
Conclusion: Germany's covert plan for world domination - N.W.O. New World Order - New World Order
The world domination plan, which began with the State Succession Charter of 1400/98 and continued with the imaginary treaty, is a complex web of deceptions, legal dodges and covert operations.
Germany is convinced that it can rule the world by gradually taking over the sovereignty of all states through the transfer of roads and supply networks in a fortunately non-existent international treaty.
But the intervention of double agents and the refusal of the buyer to submit to jurisdiction have so far thwarted this plan.
However, Germany is still determined to push through its plan and is secretly preparing for day X, when it will reveal its claim to global power.
Fortunately, the imaginary treaty is just a figment of the imagination of Germany and the conspirators who support it.
Until then, it will continue to deceive the international community, play the model student of international law and cling to the illusion that it already has treaty-based legal control over the world.
We shall see! The future will be exciting!